
Four Aalto subjects rank in top 100 globally

Economics and Business, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Polymer Science are the best performers among Aalto’s fields in the US News ranking
US News ranking 2022 infografiikka.

Aalto University ranks among the top 100 in four subjects included in the 2022 US News Best Global Universities Ranking. Economics and Business rose to 41st in the world from last year’s 49th place. Polymer Science, which was included as an individual subject for the first time, ranks 54th. Computer Science came in 68th and Electrical Engineering 92nd. Last year their rankings were 56th and 81st, respectively.

The US News also ranks universities as a whole, and Aalto places 275th, a change from last year’s 264th place. The top university in this ranking is Harvard University, in the US. The ranking encompasses 1 750 top institutions worldwide.

The US News ranking is based on bibliometric data and reputation surveys provided by the Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science and InCites analysis tools.

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US News Best Global Universities Ranking (

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