
Foundation for Technology Promotion donates 480 000 euros

The foundation wants to support Finland’s development into a pioneer in technology.

The Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion (Tekniikan edistämissäätiö) donates a total of a million euros to five Finnish universities of technology, and 480 000 euros of this donation will go to Aalto University. Other donation recipients are Tampere University of Technology, Oulu University, Lappeenranta University of Technology, and Åbo Akademi.

With its donation, the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion wants to support Finland’s development into a pioneer in technology. Technology research has an important role in the Finnish society, and companies in technology industry encompass a half of Finland's export.

'Technical solutions have always been an important line of business for Finland. With the donations, the foundation wants to contribute to the field of technology', says Marjo Miettinen, Chairman of the Board of the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion,

Marjo Miettinen encourages universities and foundations to work together to find a way to create as much common good as possible from the foundation funding.

'The perseverance and goal-orientation of funding support the effectiveness of research. In order to be able to secure long-term research that supports societal change, the universities and foundations must together search for new ways to fund research. The foundations have their own role as supporters of new efforts and awakeners of the society, not just as universities’ sponsors. Varied cooperation is therefore essential', Miettinen states.

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