
Finnish unions in the technical sector reward the best dissertation of the year

Award-winning doctoral dissertation could double the relay capacity of 5G networks.

Taneli Riihonen’s lectio praecursoria on the 4th of July 2014 at Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering.

Finnish unions in the technical sector reward the best dissertation of the year 2014 in Finland within all engineering sciences. The award ceremony was held in Helsinki 19th of November.

The doctoral dissertation of Taneli Riihonen, D.Sc. (Tech.), is ground-breaking, and it has received great attention internationally. Dr. Riihonen demonstrated that it is possible to almost double the relay capacity of next generation 5G networks. As radio frequencies become more congested, the findings of Dr. Riihonen could turn out to be worth hundreds of billions of euros globally. The full-duplex relaying mode is a new and promising concept that has generated notable international interest, but little scientific research before this.

Dr. Riihonen prepared his dissertation in Finland for Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics. Professor Risto Wichman was the dissertation supervisor. Currently, Dr. Riihonen is a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York.

The value of the award granted by Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK and Tekniska Föreningen i Finland (TFiF) is EUR 7,500. The award is granted annually.

More information on the dissertation:
Taneli Riihonen
[email protected]
+358 50 3481 881

Abstract of Dr Riihonen’s dissertation

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