
Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Foundation grants awarded for the year 2022

The foundation awarded five grants worth 25 500 euros in total.
Ahvenaisen rahaston palkintojejakotilaisuus 2023
At the grant ceremony (from the left): Anna Antonova, Steven Collins, ProfessoriJari Puttonen, Professor Emeritus Aarne Jutila, Professor Lauri Salokangas, Zhenkun Li, Jami Hirvonen and Paul Toivonen.

The Fabian and Jaakko Ahvenainen Foundationof the Aalto University School of Engineering awarded master's theses in the field of bridge engineering and the field of structural engineering and building physics completed in 2022 and awarded grants to support postgraduate studies at Aalto University.

The grant of EUR 5 000 euro was awarded in the field of structural engineering and building physics to Anna Antonova, D.Sc. (Tech.) and Steven Collins, D.Sc. (Tech.).
The grant of EUR 4 000 euro was awarded in the field of bridge engineering to Paul Toivonen, M.Sc. (Tech.).
The grant of EUR 3 500 euro was awarded in the field of structural engineering and building physics to Viktoria Detkin, M.Sc. (Tech.). and  in the field of bridge engineering to Jami Hirvonen, M.Sc. (Tech.).

Doctoral student, Zhenkun Li was awarded an incentive grant of EUR 4 500 to support of his well-advanced postgraduate studies at Aalto University in the field of bridge engineering.

The grant ceremony was held on 30 March 2023. 

Congratulations to all grant recipients!

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