
Fabian Ahvenainen Foundation awarded grants for studies in bridge and structural engineering

The Foundation delivered a total of EUR 10 000 in grants for students that have been successful in their studies.
The Fabian Ahvenainen Foundation grants were awarded to Joonas Forsman (left), Maria Vinter, Jaakko Kärkkäinen, Joonas Lehtovaara and Pooya Saremi

Fabian Ahvenainen Foundation at The Aalto University School of Engineering awards grants every year for students in bridge and structural engineering at the School of Engineering, as well as for young postgraduate students and persons who have recently completed a Master’s in Science or a postgraduate degree.

This year, the grants were awarded to:

MSc Joonas Forsman (structural engineering) €2 500
MSc Pooya Saremi (structural engineering) €2 500
MSc Jaakko Kärkkäinen (bridge engineering) €1 500
Bachelor in technology Joonas Lehtovaara (bridge engineering) €1 500
MSc Maria Vinter (bridge engineering) €2 000

The decision to award the structural engineering grants to Joonas Forsman and Pooya Sarem, was based on the grade 5 their respective Master’s Theses and the accompanying comment ‘Master in Science degree completed with excellent results’. In terms of bridge engineering, it was stated that Maria Vinter has completed a Master's thesis in bridge engineering with the grade ‘very good’ as well as a special module in structural engineering of the Master of Science (Technology) degree with good grades.Jaakko Kärkkäinen has completed a Master of Science (Technology) degree in bridge engineering with the grade 'very good'. Joonas Lehtovaarahas completed a Bachelor's degree with very good grades as well as studies in structural engineering from the Master of Science (Technology) degree.

The memory of Jaakko Ahvenainen was respected

Grants were presented at a ceremony organised by the Foundation at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering on 9 March.

A presentation titled Consulting work established by Fabian Ahvenainen today was given by Ari Kolehmainen, Managing Director of FCG Finnish Consulting Group Oy. Emeritus Professor Aarne Jutila gave a speech in memory of Jaakko Ahvenainen, who passed away in Helsinki on 21 October 2017 at the age of 88. At the event, a portrait of Fabian Ahvenainen donated by the FCG was presented. The music at the event was provided by Poijärvi quartet, which has taken part in all of the Foundation’s 20 grant ceremonies.

Fabian Ahvenainen Foundation

Fabian Ahvenainen Foundation was established at Helsinki University of Technology in 1998 by a donation made by Master of Science (Technology) Jaakko Ahvenainen in memory of his father Fabian Ahvenainen. The funds primary purpose is to grant awards of recognition to students of bridge and structural engineering at the Aalto University School of Engineering. During the twenty years since its establishment, the fund has awarded a total of 141 840 euros in scholarships.

Further information: Professor Jari Puttonen, Tel. +358 50 384 1782, jari.puttonen[at]

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