
Explore the university's art on guided tours

Join the tour with art curator Outi Turpeinen and get to know Aalto University's public art collections in the Marsio, Kide, and Viima buildings in more detail. The tours start from the lobby of the Marsio building.
Yksityiskohta metallisesta taideteoksesta punatiilisen rakennuksen julkisivussa
Baptiste Debombourg's In Motion is located on the façade and main lobby of the Kide building. Photo: Aalto University/Mikko Raskinen

During the Cooler Planet festival, participate in guided tours led by art curator Outi Turpeinen (Head of Art & Exhibitions) to learn about the campus's public art. During the tours, you will become acquainted with the artworks in the Marsio, Kide, and Viima buildings while also exploring the role of percent art and public art at the university.

The tours start from the lobby of Marsio (Otakaari 2). The public art theme of Marsio is Sharing Imagination. The art tour also introduces the Between the Waves/Waves in between theme in the Kide building (Konemiehentie 1) and the Engineering Materials theme in the Viima building (Puumiehenkuja 5).

Please register in advance as there are limited spots available for the tours. Below, you'll find all the public art Cooler Planet tours.

Public art tours in Finnish
Thu 12 Sept 2024 at 16.00–17.30
Wed 2 Oct 2024 at 16.00–17.30

Public art tours in English
Tue 10 Sept 2024 at 15.00–16.30
Wed 18 Sept 2024 at 15.30–17.00

The vision of public art at Aalto University

In 2017, Aalto University decided to comply with a one per cent art principle in its building projects. The one per cent art principle was first applied to the Radical Nature art concept in Aalto University’s main building, Dipoli.    

The vision of public art at Aalto University is to address and raise questions about what it is to be a university, what we do together in society, and what constitutes the public. Public art is site-specific and connects with the diversity of the university and its post-disciplinary communities. Public artworks reflect this diversity through different art forms, materials, techniques and traditions.

Cooler Planet public art tours

Punatiilisen rakennuksen julkisivussa on heijastavasta metallista tehty taideteos, jota katselee pyöräilijä.

Cooler Planet: Guided public art tour 10.9.

Join the tour with art curator Outi Turpeinen and get to know Aalto University's public art collections in the Marsio, Kide, and Viima buildings in more detail.

Betoninen portaikko rakennuksen sisällä, seinällä värikäs maalaus, portaissa näkymästä poistumassa henkilö.

Cooler Planet: Guided public art tour 12.9.

Join the tour with art curator Outi Turpeinen and get to know Aalto University's public art collections in the Marsio, Kide, and Viima buildings in more detail.

Läheltä kuvattu LED-valoveistosta, jossa liikkuu monivärinen tekoälyn tuottama runo.

Cooler Planet: Guided public art tour 18.9.

Join the tour with art curator Outi Turpeinen and get to know Aalto University's public art collections in the Marsio, Kide, and Viima buildings in more detail.

Portaikon betonisella seinällä maalaus.

Cooler Planet: Guided public art tour 2.10.

Join the tour with art curator Outi Turpeinen and get to know Aalto University's public art collections in the Marsio, Kide, and Viima buildings in more detail.


Outi Turpeinen

Manager, Public Art & Exhibitions

Designs for a Cooler Planet

Visit Designs for a Cooler Planet festival in Otaniemi on 6 Sep – 3 Oct 2024 to challenge your perception of the possible.

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Colourful hands and Designs for a Cooler Planet logo on white background.

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Renata Jakowleff «Blue» 2017, 190 x 160 x 40 cm, glass and steel, assembled Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Public art collections at Aalto University

The aim of public art across Aalto is to create a vibrant environment for experiencing the world through various perspectives and for embracing imagination, intuition, and exploration.

Research & Art
Punatiilisen rakennuksen julkisivussa on heijastavasta metallista tehty taideteos, jota katselee pyöräilijä.

Waves in between/In-between waves art collection

The theme of the public art collection following the percentage principle chases the idea of waves.

Research & Art
Betoninen portaikko rakennuksen sisällä, seinällä värikäs maalaus, portaissa näkymästä poistumassa henkilö.

Sharing Imaginations art collection

The theme of Marsio building's public art collection follows the percent principle.

Research & Art
LED art portraying text in different colours, while meandering up in the ceiling and round a corner at K3 building. The picture is taken from ground floor towards the ceiling, showing the social stairs of the building and the second floor office glass walls.

Engineering Materials art collection

One per cent for art principle was applied in the Engineering Materials collection

Research & Art
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