Eloseminaari brought the Aalto ARTS community together to discuss the future of the school
"The Future of ARTS” is part of a collaborative process that has already started in 2019. It aims to create structures and culture for how Aalto ARTS can develop the school's activities in a self-directed and self-organised way.
Many thanks to all participants for your thoughts, ideas and visions for a common future! The work will continue with the co-development of the text for The Future of ARTS website and in a few smaller thematic working groups:
Developing collaboration between LES & departments
AI task force
ARTS & business
Developing the international dimension of ARTS
If you are interested in participating in these working groups or would like to set up your own thematic working group, please contact Sini Koskimies from ARTS communications.
Sini Koskimies
Aalto ARTS communications manager
[email protected]
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