
Bike thefts on campus have increased - remember to lock your bike properly

With the spring, bike thefts on the Aalto University campus have increased

With the spring, bike thefts on the Aalto University campus have increased. Students and staff are advised to ensure that their bikes are properly locked with a strong enough lock from the bicycle frame and tire to the fixed structure.

Please report any suspicious persons or situations you observe. Together we can help prevent bike theft and keep the Aalto University campus safe. 

Did you witness a theft?

If you see a theft or if something is stolen from you, the university can help you:

  • Call the AaltoAPUA helpline 050 46 46 462. You can contact the helpline whenever in need of assistance.
  • Tell the lobby services closest to you. You can also report if you have any concerns regarding safety.
  • See this website for instructions for emergency situations
  • File a police report in case the stolen item is your own (If it belongs to the university, the university files the report).

If you notice any irregular situation affecting security, please submit an incident report.

In an emergency situation, call 112


Security – Procedures for emergencies and disruptions

On this page, instructions for exceptional situations and information about safety, preparedness and contingency plans. AaltoAPUA helpline 050 46 46 462.

  • Published:
  • Updated:
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