
Back to Work Sessions – How do we build a more socially Sustainable Future of Work

Hertta Vuorenmaa, Research Director of Future of Work at Aalto University will interview different experts to get their views on the future of work.
4 students sitting around table
The events will be recorded and uploaded to Aalto University’s YouTube channel.

As many of us are now beginning the process of transitioning back to work and finding our new normal, we decided to ask experts their opinion on how we can do this in a more socially sustainable way. Each month beginning in September 2021 and ending in January 2022, Head of Research Hertta Vuorenmaa will interview different experts to get their views on the future of work, how we can build individual, organizational and societal resilience.

The experts interviewed come from a variety of backgrounds, including an ordained pastor and science journalist, a philosopher, a health coach and a neurologist.

The events will be recorded and uploaded to Aalto University’s YouTube channel. The links to each interview will be published on the event site.

The series of interviews kick off with pastor and journalist Hilkka Olkinuora on September 21st. Professor Esa Saarinen continues in October, and November's guest is neurologist and professor Kiti Müller. Then we will start the new year off well in January with Senior Performance Coach Heikki Huovinen at Hintsa Performance, who discusses maintaining both physical and mental wellbeing at work. Professor Jari Hakanen will join us in February.

Find the events here:

Hilkka Olkinuora – Values, appraisal and appreciation 21.9.2021 15 pm EEST

Esa Saarinen – A conversation about the changing nature of work and thinking about thinking 14.10.2021 15 pm EEST

Kiti Müller – Changing working life: brain well-being in mind boosting creativity by optimising doing and idling 25.11.2021 15 pm EET

Heikki Huovinen – Mental and physical performance of the knowledge worker in the 2020s19.1.2022 15 pm EET

Jari Hakanen – Moving from conversations around wellbeing to actively feeling well at work 9.2.2022 15 pm EET

The Back to Work sessions is an add-on to the Future of Work open online course by Aalto University. The course is open for everyone and looks at how the roles of the individual, organisations and society have changed and how it affects how we work today and in the future. Come learn with us at

Future of Work logo on yellow background

Future of Work

Future of Work is a 4-year research project which brings together top researchers, forerunner companies and municipal actors to tackle questions related work of future!

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