
Apply for exchange in January 2023!

Would you like to go on an adventure? Would you like to study courses not taught at Aalto? Are interested in getting to know a new country, culture and people?

Apply for exchange placements for the academic year 2023-24 in the January exchange application round which begins on the 10th January and lasts until the 31st January.

Check out also the January exchange information sessions and the exchange advising desks!
Student Guide illustration, news items

You can apply to three exchange destinations and you can browse the destination universities on the Destination database and on the destination excel. You can also find the application instructions and selection criteria on Student Guide.

Questions about exchange? Come to the January information events!

  • The School of Engineering exchange information event on 11th January at 14-15 at Otakaari 1 room U119 Deloitte.
  • The exchange study clinics on 12th and 18th January at 12-13:30 at Otakaari 1 room U121a, where students can ask questions from the exchange coordinator and also discuss their study plans with their study programme planning officers and coordinators.
  • Exchange studies info desks for all questions regarding exchange studies, applications and destinations on Tuesdays on 10th, 17th and 24th January at 10-15 (at 10-14 on the 10th Jan) and at 12-14 on Monday 30th January at the Harald Herlin Learning Centre room 107 Arttu.
  • Open-for-all zoom exchange advising meetings on Fridays 13th, 20th and 27th January at 10-11:30 and on Tuesday 31st January at 11-13 on Zoom:

Questions? Message [email protected]!

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