
Alma Media becomes Premium Partner of School of Business

Alma Media and the School of Business have signed a two-year partnership agreement.
Alma Media ja Kauppakorkeakoulu ovat solmineet keskenään kaksivuotisen kumppanuussopimuksen.
We also want to be part of the university’s research and innovation work that advances our society in an effective manner’, says Alma Media CEO Kai Telanne.

Alma Media operates in a market involving digital media and services, which offers interesting opportunities for collaboration for both Aalto University and Alma Media. Alma Media is a most welcome addition to the partner programme of the School of Business. The aim of signing the partnership agreement is to expand collaboration to a broad-based and multidisciplinary level.

‘By utilising the strengths of both we will be able to build a sustainable future through shared projects, gatherings, and the sharing of information’, says Alma Media CEO Kai Telanne on the collaboration that has now begun.

In Finland the business activities of Alma Media include national, regional, and local media, digital services for consumers and businesses, training, events, publication of professional literature, as well as printing and distribution activities. The company's products include renowned media and service brands such as Kauppalehti, Talouselämä, Iltalehti, Aamulehti, and Monster.

‘It's great that we got a multichannel media company like Alma Media that is undergoing powerful renewal as a collaborative partner’, says Jonna Söderholm, Head of External Relations at the School of Business.

‘The purpose of Alma is to accelerate growth of individuals, companies, and society. In supporting this goal, the international and multidisciplinary Aalto University is a unique partner. We also want to be part of the university’s research and innovation work that advances our society in an effective manner’, Kai Telanne emphasizes.

Through the partner programme companies are able to take part in persevering collaboration with Aalto University in many different areas. Developing the employer image, participation in teaching, research cooperation in connection with student projects, for instance, and serving as a visiting lecturer are all examples of possible forms of collaboration. Thirteen companies are currently in the programme.

Further information:
Anne Salonvaara
Senior Manager, Corporate Relations
Aalto University School of Business
[email protected]

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