
Aalto University is a founding partner of two new EIT Innovation communities

EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility reach for a sustainable and competitive society.
Urban mobility

Aalto University is one of the founders of two new European Union innovation communities – EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility. Announced by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) in December, EIT will provide each of the new communities funding of up to EUR 400 million for the first seven years.

‘Innovations, education and collaboration are essential in striving for a better future. EIT Innovation communities are a vital part of the university’s international ecosystem, and I’m proud that we are now taking part in six EIT networks’, says Janne Laine, new Vice President for Innovation.

‘We are very excited about the possibility to work together with the new EIT communities on the large societal challenges. Aalto University has strong research groups working with the themes that new EIT communities cover’, says Marja-Leena Markkula, Head of EIT and Platform Services in Aalto University.

Mobility for Liveable Urban Spaces

EIT Urban Mobility is a consortium of 48 partners: 13 cities, 17 industry partners and 18 universities and research centres across Europe and beyond. The key coordinating partner is the City of Barcelona. The Finnish partners are Aalto University, City of Helsinki and Forum Virium Helsinki.

The aim of EIT Urban Mobility to strengthen European competitiveness, improve access to mobility and increase the attractiveness of cities. The motto of the consortium ’Mobility for Liveable Urban Spaces’ is about moving people, connecting communities, serving businesses and re-imaging public spaces.

With more than 70% of Europeans living in urban areas and approximately 85% of EU gross domestic product GDP generated in urban areas, there is a real need to invest in up-to-date urban transport systems. The demand for shared, clean and on-demand transport solutions for people and freight in urban areas is also rapidly increasing as a result of many European cities setting ambitious climate targets to fulfil the goals of the Paris Agreement. This trend is set to continue with urbanisation in Europe expected to rise to 83% by 2050. EIT Urban Mobility will help ensure a greener, more inclusive, safer and smarter urban mobility system.

Leading manufacturing innovation made by Europe

EIT Manufacturing is a unique partnership of 50 leading companies, universities, and research institutions that covers the entire product lifecycle and the entire value chain, and includes key added-value industry sectors. At the moment Aalto University is the only Finnish partner in the community.

EIT Manufacturing aims to make Europe the global reference for manufacturing innovation and will enable a faster and more efficient uptake of modern technologies, whilst promoting European values on a world scale.

The manufacturing sector in the EU employs close to 30 million people in 2.1 million enterprises. However, manufacturing in European countries is under considerable strain: increased global competition, low-cost production in developing countries, and scarcity of raw materials. New market and societal needs, rapid technological advances, environmental and sustainability requirements, are also driving change in this sector. EIT Manufacturing will help the sector become more competitive, sustainable and productive.

EIT Manufacturing 2030 goals include 50 000 people trained and up- or re-skilled, 1 000 startups created and supported, 360 new products and services launched on the market, EUR 325 million investment attracted by EIT ventures, more than 60% of manufacturing companies have adopted sustainable production practices, circular material use rate in manufacturing sector exceeds 30%.

Aalto University is now taking part in six EIT innovation communities (Kicks): EIT Digital, EIT Raw Materials, EIT Climate, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT Urban Mobility and EIT Manufacturing.

For more information:

EIT announces two winning innovation communities in manufacturing and urban mobility

EIT Urban Mobility

EIT Manufacturing

EIT Services in Aalto University

The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) is an independent body of the European Union set up in 2008 to boost innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe. The EIT brings together leading higher education institutions, research labs and companies to form dynamic cross-border partnerships – Innovation Communities – that develop innovative products and services, start new companies, and train a new generation of entrepreneurs.

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