
Aalto University and Metropolia enter into strategic cooperation agreement

Cooperation especially in the field of technology aims to increase vitality and breakthroughs in Finland.

Aalto University and Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences have entered into a strategic cooperation agreement, which will see the two institutions of higher education increase cooperation and strengthen expertise in the metropolitan area. New types of activities can be structured especially for engineering studies on the basis of the profiles and strengths of both institutions of higher education. Aalto University and Metropolia are each Finland's largest educators in the field of technology in their own sectors. 

Cooperation will be extended more systematically than previously to online courses and Open University studies, multidisciplinary projects and the appropriate joint use of facilities and devices. Metropolia's extensive degree programmes in the field of social services and health care will bring added value to cooperation.

Transferring from one institution of high education to the other more flexible than previously

The objective is to also make transferring from one degree level to another a more flexible process. In the future, Metropolia students will be able to apply more seamlessly to Aalto University's Master's degree programmes and open online courses offered by Aalto can be integrated into a university of applied sciences degree programme.  

New cooperation options are also being looked into in development and innovation activities in e.g. projects related to studies and student work that can be the subject areas of intelligent traffic solutions, land use and the construction sector, information and communications technology, as well as in the media sector. Additionally, the institutions of higher education will look into the possibility of working together in producing services of a high standard, initially especially in the areas of information administration and education export.

– Both Aalto University and Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences were founded a few years ago. They are multidisciplinary institutions of higher education made up of strong actors. Their operating cultures are ambitious, open-minded and aim for creative solutions. Increased cooperation will allow us to renew the business life and bring positive messages to society, says Aalto University President Tuula Teeri.

– We have engaged in cooperation for quite some time already. The new agreement will give us even better opportunities in national and international forums. I am especially pleased about the possibilities the new agreement's more flexible study paths will offer students, says Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Managing Director and President Riitta Konkola. 

Helsinki metropolitan area metro connects campuses

Both Aalto University and Metropolia are currently in the process of building their main campuses: Aalto University in Espoo's Otaniemi and Metropolia in Helsinki's Myllypuro. Completion of the west metro will facilitate more efficient and environmentally-friendly commutes between the campuses.

More information:

Aalto University: media contacts via Communications, Anu Salmi-Savilampi, Communications Manager, tel. +358 50 464 4585, [email protected]

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences: Stakeholder Relations, Tuire Ranta-Meyer, Director, tel. +358 50 526 2002, [email protected]

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