
Aalto University among the 10 best landscape architecture programmes

Five student projects were selected to represent Aalto at the Biennial of Landscape Architecture in Barcelona.

The Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture programme in landscape architecture has been selected as a finalist at the Barcelona Biennial of Landscape Architecture 2018, held from 25 to 29 September. From over 80 applications around the world, only 10 finalist universities were accepted.

"There are three things that make the Aalto programme different from most other university landscape architecture programmes," said Juanjo Galan-Vivas, associate professor in landscape architecture. "First, our students' work reveal and explore the potential of landscape planning in mid- and large scales: regions, cities and districts. Secondly, they combine a scientific and artistic approach, which is uncommon. Thirdly, Aalto gives its students a high level of freedom in exploring topics of their own interest."

The Biennial of Landscape Architecture of Barcelona is celebrating its 10th edition this September. It began as an event for presenting and awarding the most relevant landscape projects produced by professionals during the last two years, but has since incorporated a special section and award for the best Landscape Architecture Programme or School.

From its inception, the Biennial has been one of the most (if not the most) important international event in landscape architecture.

The following student projects were recognised by the jury:

Karelian landscapes, the evolution of Karelia (Master Course MAR-E1034: Cultural Landscapes)
Authors: Bergpob Viriyaroj (CS), Alina Boris (CS), Elina Haapaluoma (LAND), Johanna Himberg(LAND), Lotta Nylund (LAND)
Teacher: Juanjo Galan

The Marscape Project - A study of adapatable landscape architecture on Mars (Master Thesis, Landscape Design)
Authors: Sanna Sarkama (LAND)
Teacher: Jyrki Sinkkilä

BIOTANIEMI: A Sustainable Town made for People and Nature (Master Course MAR-E1005: Urban Biotopes)
Authors: Venessa Mok (ARCH), Titouan Joulain (LAND) & Elina Renkonen (LAND)
Teacher: Juanjo Galan, Johan Kotze

The City of Turku as an Organism (Master Course MAR-E1025: Green Area Planning)
Authors: Minna-Mari Paija (LAND), Annaleena Puska (LAND), Elina Renkonen (LAND) and Saki Sawada (ARCH)
Teacher: Juanjo Galan

Landscape Characterization of the Uusimaa Region: Updating the Finnish Method (Master Course MAR-E1004: Basics of GIS)
Authors: Juhana Havas (LAND), Pihla Sillanpää (LAND)
Teachers: Juanjo Galan, Jaakko Madetoja

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