
Aalto ranks high in publications co-authored with industry

CWTS Leiden Ranking is based on the bibliometric analysis of scientific articles.

Aalto University ranked #14 in the world in the CWTS Leiden Ranking, in which the share of publications co-authored with one or more industrial partners against all publications is measured. Last year Aalto University’s placement in this sector was #16.

The ranking compares universities in several ways. In the main comparison, it investigated the number and the proportion of a university’s publications that belong to the top 10% most frequently cited. In this particular comparison, Aalto’s ranking was #350.

The CWTS Leiden Ranking is based on the universities’ bibliometric publication data in Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science database in the period 2010–2013. Included in the ranking were those 750 universities round the world that had the most publications in the database during the review period.

Read more about the CWTS Leiden Ranking at

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