
Aalto Magazine focuses on the theme of global business operations

Aalto University Magazine 15 examines international business activities and related education in a changing global operating environment.
Aalto University Magazine 15 cover.

In the Openings column Dean Ingmar Björkman of the School of Business notes that, in order to succeed in working life, graduates must have experience and knowledge of operating in an international environment in addition to a profound understanding of their own field.

This issue's main article showcases how practice and corporate realities can intertwine closely with studies. An example of this is the international CEMS programme, which has attracted people like Marimekko President and School of Business graduate Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko.

In Oops, Executive in Residence Bruce Oreck recounts how, instead of an Alaskan mountaintop, he wound up at the bottom of the Grand Canyon – and started his career.

The alumni interview column Who presents startup entrepreneur and consultant Tiina Zilliacus. She urges anyone considering starting a business of their own to keep plenty of irons in the fire because focusing on one thing can be risky.

Journalist and businesswoman Paula Salovaara's column ponders evolving working life and how the borders between different professions are fading.

The photo reportage In there opens an exciting view into the Burning Man festival, which was arranged in the Nevada desert. A dozen or so Aalto representatives organised a spectacular project called Aalto on Fire, in the process becoming, to the best of our knowledge, the first university-backed team in the event's history.

Aalto University Magazine is available on the campuses of Aalto University. A digital facsimile can be read on and English translations of some articles are posted at

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