
Aalto Magazine #18 focuses on art and creativity

The new issue of Aalto University Magazine studies the impact of art and creative practices in society.
Cover of the Aalto University Magazine 18. Photographer: Tuomas Uusheimo.

In Openings, Aalto University Vice President, Dean Anna Valtonen states that the today’s challenges are often complex, networked and global, so creativity is needed. If we want to find completely new solutions we need multiple perspectives. “Only focusing on one approach, be it in any field, will only give us incremental improvements. Not radical shifts.”

Pushing boundaries is encouraged by the interviewees of the main article, too. Light on this subject is shed by Head of Design Antti Kujala at Suunto, Karen Korellis Reuther who leads the creative functions at VF Corporation, the parent company of lifestyle brands as Vans and Timberland, as well as Professor Kevin Tavin who is responsible for the University Wide Art Studies at Aalto.

Kevin Tavin believes that introducing art and creative thinking to fields with which they are not traditionally associated is extremely important. Ideally, fresh perspectives will uncover the limitations of our thought and highlight questions of an entirely new kind.

This issue presents a few study projects which encounter the challenges of global migrant crisis and new thinking in product design and architecture.

We meet creative people by their respective fields of expertise: Cinematographer Peter Flinckenberg who has realised his dream of working in Hollywood. Professor Aleksi Bardy who brings virtual reality enthusiasts together at the University’s new Media Centre. Lecturer Tuomas Laitinen who recounts the reasons for success that Aalto students have gained in the international world of fashion.

In her Column, Aalto Board Chair Anne Brunila calls for long-term cooperation between universities and companies.

The Magazine is available on the campuses of Aalto University. An electronic facsimile is available at This issue is entirely in English.

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