
A massive project pursues for more open information systems

The aim of the bIoTope project, coordinated at the Computer Science Department, is to help citizens to optimize their choices.

The EU supported project will last for three years. Its goal is to open now closed and separated information systems that in general are inaccessible. It is planned that on top of these systems will be built new Systems-of-Systems, which will help citizens to optimize their choices.

-        For instance in cars Systems-of-Systems include information from embedded control computers, information on completed repairs, what and how often maintenance is needed, in addition to manufacturer information. Access to all this information should be possible without large system integrations. Thus better decisions can be made concerning the whole life cycle of the car, states professor Kary Främling from the Computer Science Department.

All relevant target groups have been considered in the project. The pilot cities will be Helsinki, Brussels and Lyon.

-        In the future the driver will get information from parking operators, on price differences and alternative locations of parking opportunities. The driver can for instance agree on that his/her car will send temperature data of the road to Systems-of-Systems. In return, the driver can get some financial benefit or receive corresponding information that is useful for him/her. The goal of a driver is to obtain relevant contextual information and to be able to react on it accordingly”, continues professor Främling.

This research project promotes the usability, publicity and sharing of this type of data. The project even studies opportunities for micropayments in these type of situations.

-        Another application opportunity lies in the energy control of buildings. The project tries to empower a consumer to control all systems of a building wiser - for instance by taking automatically into account the weather prognosis and the energy price in terms of warming, lights, household machines and air conditioning, concludes professor Främling.

The total budget of this Computer Science Department coordinated bIoTope project is 7.8 million euros, the budget of the Computer Science Department being 1.5 million euros. The project includes 21 partners in two continents, Europe and Australia. Systems-of-Systems is a research priority of the European Union.

More information about the bIoTope:

Project Coordinator, Professor

Kary Främling

[email protected]

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