
5G Mökki is changing the world

5G Mökki is a new kind of learning environment that promotes the learning and application of 5G technology and other new technologies.
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun rehtori Pertti Puusaari ja vararehtori Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä avasivat 5G Mökki -verkoston lanseeraustilaisuuden (kuva Lotta Valanne)
Pertti Puusaari, President of Häme University of Applied Sciences, and HAMK Vice President Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä opened the 5G Mökki network launch event. On the left is Jari Handelberg. Photo: Lotta Valanne

5G Mökki is a new kind of learning and research environment that produces information on the processes of creating new products, services and companies, and immediately utilises that information to improve the related processes. 5G Mökki increases cooperation between universities, universities of applied sciences, companies and other organisations. The vision of 5G Mökki is to accommodate the latest technology, learning and capabilities anywhere.

The launch event of the 5G Mökki network at Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) on 14 October 2021 brought together Aalto University and its strategic partner universities of applied sciences as well as other partner universities and companies. The new learning environment developed by the network facilitates and speeds up cooperation between universities, universities of applied sciences, companies and other organisations. Mökki is also connected to a broader change in the education system: educational institutions are no longer only educating experts for existing professions but also identifying new market opportunities, creating new products, services and companies and establishing entirely new professions.

The 5G Mökki network was made to especially promote the learning, application and implementation of 5G technology and other new technologies in universities, companies and other organisations. With growing digitalisation and with global warming forcing us to transfer to technologies and operating methods that will reduce emissions, the need for technological experts and applications is increasing manifold. The coronavirus pandemic has further accelerated this change. The 5G Mökki network is one way to meet this need. It produces a constantly updating programme on 5G technology and other new technologies and their applications. Learners are not passive listeners at Mökki; instead, they participate in brainstorming and implementing applications, demos and prototypes as well as producing various illustrative programmes around the applications.

The Mökki network makes ideas, demos and prototypes immediately visible and available for the market to try. All results are also widely communicated through videos and various 3D/AR/VR productions. Fast-paced programmes help people find areas they are interested in and new paths for developing their competence. At the same time, the programmes promote pathways to employment and entrepreneurship.

Another vision of the 5G Mökki network is to rapidly bring learning environments and innovation to where they are needed, supported by 5G technology. Mökki helps companies and other organisations, and consequently regions, to quickly and easily access 5G and other new technologies and improve their productivity and sustainable competitiveness.

5G Mökki network launch event

President of Häme University of Applied Sciences Pertti Puusaari declared HAMK’s 5G Mökki officially opened on the Hämeenlinna campus. He thanked Aalto University, partner universities of applied sciences and other universities and companies for their cooperation in developing a new kind of learning environment. Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä, Vice President for Education at HAMK, continued by saying that Mökki will open up entirely new national and international opportunities in education, research and other cooperation.

‘We are in the middle of a sustainability crisis, a fast technological transformation and a change in the world of work. Universities have to lead the way in responding to these changes. 5G technology and 5G Mökki will help create new sustainable solutions as part of this change,’ said Petri Suomala, Vice President of Education at Aalto University.

Serial entrepreneur Peter Vesterbacka highlighted 5G Mökki’s big global potential in bringing together campuses and companies and offering students opportunities to use the latest technology everywhere from Finland to Nairobi, Lagos and San Francisco. ‘We need 5G Mökki for creating and developing new services and companies around the world.’

5G Game Day Nokian Garagen 5G Mökillä, kuva: Kimmo Leinonen
5G Game Day with 5G Mökki at the Nokia Garage. Photo: Kimmo Leinonen

Veli-Pekka Luoma, responsible for Nokia’s ecosystem partners, said that the education sector is one of the application areas of 5G technology. 5G Mökki is one of these applications.

‘I would like to thank Aalto University and the network and students for giving us at Nokia first row seats to the creation and development of 5G Mökki. I wish the team all the best, and I am offering the team our support for bringing 5G Mökki to the international market,’ said Luoma. At the same time, he pointed out that a 5G Mökki could not have come at a better time. For example, Nokia Corporation currently has a number of experts in 5G technologies and their applications in Finland and around the world.

Veli-Pekka Luoma visited the Mökki at HAMK virtually from Nokia’s 5G Mökki located at the Nokia Garage. At the same time as the launch event, the Nokia Garage was hosting a parallel 5G themed all-day game event for young people.

Following the expert speeches, the event had a 5G Mökki workshop focusing on the easy and fast production of AR productions. The workshop was organised by 3DBear Ltd and facilitated by the company’s CEO Jussi Kajala.

To finish off the day, the 5G Mökki community invited all participants to join the next bigger event at the world's largest startup event Slush on 1 December from 15:00 to 17:00. The event will also be streamed online. For more information about the event, visit and

Further information:
Lauri Hollo
[email protected]

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