
Strategy and Corporate Renewal (minor)




25–20 ECTS





Language of learning:



Global business dynamics

Target group:

All Aalto students

Teacher in charge:

Jens Schmidt

Administrative contact:

Tarja Timonen

Organising department:

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management


School of Science


TU-C2010 Introduction to Strategic Management (5 cr) and TU-C1030 Laskelmat liiketoiminnan päätösten tukena (Managerial accounting and finance for decision-makers) or equivalent knowledge.

Quotas and restrictions:

No quotas. Individual courses may have limited seats affecting the opportunities to take these courses.

Application process:

Open for all students of Aalto University.

N.B.! This minor is discontinued starting from the 2024-2026 curriculum. If you have already started completing the minor, you can finish it. Notice that due to the new curriculum, 2024-2026 course offerings may also change.

The minor in Strategy and Corporate Renewal helps students develop capabilities in strategic management and new business development to enable them lead and transform existing business and build new business.

The primary learning outcomes of the Strategy and Venturing minor are to:

  • Develop capabilities to lead and organise strategy work to improve value creation
  • Develop capabilities to analyse sources of competitive advantage in technology-based business
  • Develop capabilities to lead the renewal process of established organisations through organizational transformation and innovation in products, services and business models

In addition to these primary learning outcomes, studying the minor gives the student significant strengths including an integrative understanding of technology and business, analytical capabilities to solve complex real life problems using data, people skills to build and lead organizations, and a global orientation and ambition level.

The capabilities developed in the minor in Strategy and Corporate Renewal are valuable for many career options including strategy and business development functions in corporations, management consulting, investment banking, founders/CEOs in startups, positions in venture capital and private equity firms or other organisations building and transforming technology- based business.

Code Course name ECTS credits Period                   
Choose 2–3 courses out of the following      
TU-C2010 Introduction to Strategic Management* 5 I-II
TU-E1120 Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation D** 5 III-V
TU-E1021 Strategies for Growth and Renewal D** 5 III-IV
Optional courses      
Select 5–15 credits in order to fulfill lthe extent of the minor (20-25 credits).      
TU-E3010 Leading as Practice D** 5 III-IV
TU-E3041 Leadership and Change Management D** 5 I
TU-E1010 Advanced Strategic Management D** 5 I
TU-E2031 Advanced Project-based Management D** 5 III-IV
TU-E1031 Advanced Case-Seminar in Strategy D** 3 I
TU-E4060 Design & Innovation in Context D** 6 II 
TU-E3050 Designing Adaptive and Creative Organisations D** 5 III-IV

*) If not included in other studies.
**) Course has limited seats.

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