Management of School of Chemical Engineering

Organisation and leadership

Information on the organisation and leadership of the School of Chemical Engineering.

School of Chemical Engineering

The executive bodies of the school are the dean and the Academic Committee for Engineering. The school has three vice deans.

The school's academic decision-making system includes the doctoral programme committee, the director of the doctoral programme, degree programme committees and directors of degree programmes.

Other permanent or temporary groups may also be involved in the school's governance. These include the management teams of the school and its departments, the school's tenure track committee and the school's scientific advisory board (SAB).

The school's governance is organised so that different personnel groups and students have sufficient opportunities to participate in the preparation of decisions.


The basic unit for the school's academic operations is the department, which conducts academic research and offers degree education connected to its research. Teaching is organised as educational programmes. 

Each one of the school's three departments is led by a head of department. Heads of departments are appointed by the dean.

Research groups are the units formed to facilitate research collaboration between multiple fields of study. You can find more information about research groups at the School of Engineering by visiting the departments' pages, linked above.

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