Management of School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Management of School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Here you will find information about the administration, decision making and leadership in the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. More detailed information about Aalto University Governance in Aalto Handbook.

For services provided at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, for example Research and Innovation, HR, Finance, or Communications, please see Services.

Kampus Väre A Bloc umbrellas Image: Unto Rautio


Dean Tuomas Auvinen leads our management team, assisted by three Vice Deans.

Väre-buildings hall with impressive wooden staircase

Strategy and quality

Aalto University's strategy and quality system are intertwined and together establish the foundations for our ways of working and pursuit of excellence. Aalto university's quality management is based on continuous development.

A woman walking by a large Aalto logo sign

Academic decision making

Preparation for decision-making


Tenure Track Committee - School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Tenure Track Committee at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Decision-making support

Accounting Impact

Scientific and Artistic Advisory Boards (SAB, SAAB)

The Scientific (and Artistic) Advisory Boards (SAB / SAAB) of our schools have an important function in supporting the development of the university.

Research & Art
Työskentelyä. Kuvituskuva.


Info about School of Arts, Design and Architecture ICT group

Management of School of Arts, Design and Architecture
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