Lifewide learning courses and programmes

Tuotannonohjauksen perusteet kahdessa päivässä - TURBO

The program provides you with principles and tools for improving production management. The course explores a manufacturer's production activities from various angles: production/operations strategies, sales and operations planning, material and capacity planning, and measuring and improving production.


Teaching time:



Operations and supply chain management

Form of learning:



Aalto EE




€ 1,470 (+VAT)

Application period:

30.5.2023 – 12.1.2024

Target group and prerequisites

The training is for production planners, production team leaders, and production middle management who have no theoretical knowledge of production management or want to refresh the basics and gain new ways of thinking. The training is also beneficial for people working in operations.

Course description

Tuotannon ohjauksen perusteet – Turbo is a two-day production planning and control and production management training.

The course provides the essential body of knowledge on production planning and control, production management, and development of an industrial company, and helps you understand the critical role of production as part of business competitiveness and customer service as a whole. You can also participate in Turbo to update your knowledge on the basics of production management.

  • You will obtain a basic understanding of production management and production improvement in an industrial company.
  • You will understand the crucial role of production as a part of customer service as a whole.
  • You will learn with other participants how other organizations face challenges.

The two-day program is followed by an individual report to deepen the learning acquired during training by applying it to your own company or an imaginary situation. Ideally, this work will lead to concrete development projects in your company. Participants will receive personal written feedback on their report from the trainer.

The program is held in Finnish.

Teaching takes place at Aalto EE's premises in Helsinki or Online depending on the program schedule.

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