Aalto Executive DBA
Teaching time:
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Target group and prerequisites
Executives, senior managers, and experts in leading positions looking to deepen their position as thought leaders. Best suited for individuals with considerable experience in their own field and a strong interest in academic research and its practical application.Course description
The Aalto Executive DBA program offers a unique opportunity to combine the latest academic research with practical application to make a broader impact in business and organizational development. Participants gain doctoral level in-depth knowledge together with the capabilities needed to undertake demanding research projects as well as become thought leaders in their field.
The program includes doctoral study courses equivalent to 40 ECTS credits that consist of compulsory courses on academic writing and research methods as well as courses that support the thesis’ topic. The courses usually involve essays, reflection papers, and discussions with a supervisor, as well as preparation of a DBA thesis (200 ECTS credits) of scholarly standard. The research topic is defined individually and can also be related to a demanding development project in your own organization. This ensures impact at both the individual and organizational level.
The DBA program is designed to be executed to a great extent alongside working full time. Participants will receive a personally tailored curriculum and the program is expected to take a minimum of three years to complete. Each participant is provided with strong supervision from Aalto University.
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