The LIBER Centre of Excellence

Research highlights & publications

Our aim is to develop a fundamental understanding of how self-assembled multicomponent materials of the future can be designed and produced using biological starting materials, based on plant cell wall structures and designed biological macromolecules.


Note, the listed publications originate from core HYBER CoE research. Other publications by HYBER research groups can be found on their web pages.

2020 (30)

  1. Mohammadi, P., Christopher, J., Beaune, G., Engelhardt, P., Kamada, A., Timonen, J. V. I., Knowles, T. P. J., Penttila, M. & Linder, M. B. Controllable coacervation of recombinantly produced spider silk protein using kosmotropic salts 2020 In : Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 560, 149-160 10.1016/j.jcis.2019.10.058 

  2. Grande, R., Bai, L, Wang, L, Xiang, W., Ikkala, O., Carvalho, A.J.F. & Rojas, O.J. Nanochitins of varying aspect ratio and properties of microfibers produced by interfacial complexation with seaweed alginate 2020 In : ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 8, 1137–1145 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b06099

  3. Korpi, A., Anaya-Plaza, E., Välimäki, S. & Kostiainen, M. Highly ordered protein cage assemblies: A toolkit for new materials 2020 In : WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 12, e1578 10.1002/wnan.1578

  4. Yu, C., Sasic, S., Liu, K., Salameh, S., Ras, R.H.A. & van Ommen, J.R. Nature-Inspired Self-Cleaning Surfaces: Mechanisms, Modelling, and Manufacturing 2020 In : Chemical Engineering Research and Design 155, 48-65 10.1016/j.cherd.2019.11.038

  5. Zeng, H., Zhang, H., Ikkala, O., Priimägi, A. Associative Learning by Classical Conditioning in Liquid Crystal Network Actuators 2020 In : Matter 2, 194-206 10.1016/j.matt.2019.10.019 See the press release here.

  6. Hörenz, C., Bertula, K., Tiainen, T., Hietala, S., Hynninen, V. & Ikkala, O. UV-Triggered On-Demand Temperature-Responsive Reversible and Irreversible Gelation of Cellulose Nanocrystals 2020 In : Biomacromolecules 21: 830-838 10.1021/acs.biomac.9b01519

  7. Zhang, H., Zeng, H., Priimägi, A. & Ikkala, O. Viewpoint: Pavlovian Materials—Functional Biomimetics Inspired by Classical Conditioning 2020 In : Advanced Materials 1906619 10.1002/adma.201906619

  8. Lehtonen, J., Hassinen, J., Kumar, A.A., Johansson, L.-S., Mäenpää, R., Pahimanolis, N., Pradeep, T., Ikkala, O. & Rojas, O. Phosphorylated cellulose nanofibers exhibit exceptional capacity for uranium capture 2020 In : Cellulose 10.1007/s10570-020-02971-8

  9. Tardy, B.L., Richardson, J.J., Greca, L.G., Guo, J., Ejima, H. & Rojas, O.J. Exploiting Supramolecular Interactions from Polymeric Colloids for Strong Anisotropic Adhesion between Solid Surfaces 2020 In : Advanced Materials 32: 1906886 10.1002/adma.201906886 See the press release here and linked cover image here.

  10. Ezazi, N.Z., Ajdary, R., Correia, A., Mäkilä, E., Salonen, J., Kemell, M., Hirvonen, J., Rojas, O.J., Ruskoaho, H.J. & Santos, H.A. Fabrication and Characterization of Drug-Loaded Conductive Poly(glycerol sebacate)/Nanoparticle-Based Composite Patch for Myocardial Infarction Applications 2020 In : Applied Materials and Interfaces 12: 6899-6909 10.1021/acsami.9b21066

  11. Setälä, H., Alakomi, H-L, Paananen, A., Szilvay, G.R., Kellock, M., Liljeström, V., Hult, E-L, Lintinen, K., Österberg, M & Kostiainen, M. Lignin nanoparticles modified with tall oil fatty acid for cellulose functionalization 2020 In : Cellulose 27: 273-284 10.1007/s10570-019-02771-9

  12. Linko, V. At the Dawn of Applied DNA Nanotechnology 2020 Molecules 25: 639 10.3390/molecules25030639

  13. Keller, A. & Linko, V. Challenges and Perspectives of DNA Nanostructures in Biomedicine 2020 Angewandte Chemie 10.1002/anie.201916390

  14. Kolari, K., Bulatov, E., Tatikonda, R., Bertula, K., Kalenius, E., Nonappa, N. & Haukka, M. Self-healing, luminescent metallogelation drivenby synergistic metallophilic and fluorine–fluorine interactions 2020 In : Soft Matter 16, 2795-2802 10.1039/C9SM02186H

  15. Rischer, H., Szilvay, G.R., Oksman-Calendey, K.-M. Cellular agriculture - industrial biotechnology for food and materials 2020 In : Current Opinion in Biotechnology 61, 128-134. 10.1016/j.copbio.2019.12.003

  16. Rival, J.V., Nonappa & Shibu, E.S. Light-Triggered Reversible Supracolloidal Self-Assembly of Precision Gold Nanoclusters 2020 In : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12, 14569-14577. 10.1021/acsami.0c00328

  17. Piskunen, P., Nummelin, S., Shen, B., Kostiainen, M.A. & Linko, V. Increasing Complexity in Wireframe DNA Nanostructures 2020 In : Molecules 25, 1823. 10.3390/molecules25081823

  18. Rooijakkers, B. J. M., Arola, S., Velagapudi, R. & Linder, M. B. Different effects of carbohydrate binding modules on the viscoelasticity of nanocellulose gels 2020 In : Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 22, 100766. 10.1016/j.bbrep.2020.100766

  19. Ijäs, H., Shen, B., Heuer-Jungemann, A., Keller, A., Kostiainen, M.A., Liedl, T., Ihalainen, J.A. & Linko, V. Unraveling the interaction between doxorubicin and DNA origami nanostructures for customizable chemotherapeutic drug release 2020 BioArxiv preprint 10.1101/2020.05.13.088054

  20. Shaukat, A., Anaya-Plaza, E., Julin, S., Linko, V., Torres, T., De la Escosura, A. & Kostiainen, M.A. Phthalocyanine-DNA origami complexes with enhanced stability and optical properties 2020 Chem. Commun., in press 10.1039/D0CC01916J

  21. Heise, K., Kontturi, E., Allahverdiyeva, Y., Tammelin, T., Linder, M. B., Nonappa & Ikkala, O. Nanocellulose : Recent Fundamental Advances and Emerging Biological and Biomimicking Applications 2020 In : Advanced Materials. 10.1002/adma.202004349

  22. Lefevre, M., Flammang, P., Aranko, A. S., Linder, M. B., Scheibel, T., Humenik, M., Leclercq, M., Surin, M., Tafforeau, L., Wattiez, R., Leclère, P. & Hennebert, E. Sea star-inspired recombinant adhesive proteins self-assemble and adsorb on surfaces in aqueous environments to form cytocompatible coatings 2020 In : Acta Biomaterialia. 112, 62-74.10.1016/j.actbio.2020.05.036

  23. Eklund, A., Zhang, H., Zeng, H., Priimagi, A. & Ikkala, O. Fast Switching of Bright Whiteness in Channeled Hydrogel Networks 2020 In : Advanced Functional Materials, 1-11, 2000754. 10.1002/adfm.202000754

  24. Al-Azawi, A., Horenz, C., Tupasela, T., Ikkala, O., Jokinen, V., Franssila, S. & Ras, R.H.A. Slippery and magnetically responsive micropillared surfaces for manipulation of droplets and beads 2020 In : AIP ADVANCES 10, 085021. 10.1063/5.0012852

  25. Martikainen, L., Bertula, K., Turunen, M. & Ikkala, O. Strain Stiffening and Negative Normal Force of Agarose Hydrogels 2020 In : Macromolecules. 53, 9983-9992. 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c00601

  26. Wang, D., Sun, Q., Hokkanen, M. J., Zhang, C., Lin, F-Y., Liu, Q., Zhu, S-P., Zhou, T., Chang, Q., He, B., Zhou, Q., Chen, L., Wang, Z., Ras, R. & Deng, X Design of robust superhydrophobic surfaces 2020 In : Nature 582, 55–59. 10.1038/s41586-020-2331-8 Read the press release here.

  27. Latikka, M., Backholm, M., Baidya, A., Ballesio, A., Serve, A., Beaune, G., Timonen, J.V.I., Pradeep, T. & Ras, R.H.A. Ferrofluid Microdroplet Splitting for Population-Based Microfluidics and Interfacial Tensiometry 2020 In : Advanced Science. p. 1-8. 10.1002/advs.202000359

  28. Vuckovac, M., Backholm, M., Timonen, J.V.I. & Ras, R.H.A. Viscosity-enhanced droplet motion in sealed superhydrophobic capillaries 2020 In : Science Advances. 6, eaba5197. 10.1126/sciadv.aba5197 Read the press release here.

  29. Backholm, M., Molpeceres, D., Vuckovac, M., Nurmi, H., Hokkanen, M., Jokinen, V., Timonen, J.V.I. & Ras, R.H.A. Water droplet friction and rolling dynamics on superhydrophobic surfaces 2020 In : Communications Materials 1, 64. 10.1038/s43246-020-00065-3

2019 (45)

  1. Bai, L., Greca, L. G., Xiang, W., Lehtonen, J., Huan, S., Nugroho, R. W. N., Tardy, B. L. & Rojas, O. J. Adsorption and assembly of cellulosic and lignin colloids at oil/water interfaces 2019 In : Langmuir 35: 571-588 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01288

  2. Hynninen, V., Mohammadi, P., Wagermeier, W., Hietala, S., Linder, M.B., Ikkala, O. & Nonappa. Methyl cellulose/cellulose nanocrystal nanocomposite fibers with high ductility 2019 In : European Polymer Journal 112: 334-345 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.12.035

  3. Pigliacelli, C., Sanjeeva, K.B., Nonappa, Pizzi, A., Gori, A., Bombelli, F.B. & Metrangolo, P.In situ generation of chiroptically-active gold-peptide superstructures promoted by iodination 2019 In : ACS Nano 13, 2158-2166 10.1021/acsnano.8b08805

  4. Backholm, M. & Bäumchen, O. Micropipette force sensors for in vivo force measurements on single cells and multicellular microorganisms 2019 In : Nature Protocols 14: 594–615 10.1038/s41596-018-0110-x

  5. Liu, Y., Nevanen, T. K., Paananen, A., Kempe, K., Wilson, P., Johansson, L. S., Joensuu, J. J., Linder, M. B., Haddleton, D. M. & Milani, R. Self-Assembling Protein-Polymer Bioconjugates for Surfaces with Antifouling Features and Low Nonspecific Binding 2019 In : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 11, 3599-3608 10.1021/acsami.8b19968

  6. Tatikonda, R., Bulatov, E., Õzdemir, Z., Nonappa & Haukka, M. Infinite coordination polymer networks: metallogelation of aminopyridine conjugates and in situ silver nanoparticle formation 2019 In : Soft Matter 15: 442-451 10.1039/C8SM02006J

  7. Julin, S., Korpi, A., Nonappa, Shen, B., Liljeström, V., Ikkala, O., Keller, A., Linko, V. & Kostiainen, M.A. DNA origami directed 3D nanoparticle superlattice via electrostatic assembly 2019 In : Nanoscale 11: 4546-4551 10.1039/C8NR09844A

  8. Klockars, K. W., Yau, N. E., Tardy, B. L., Majoinen, J., Kämäräinen, T., Miettunen, K., Boutonnet, E., Borghei, M., Beidler, J. & Rojas, O. J. Asymmetrical coffee rings from cellulose nanocrystals and prospects in art and design 2019 In : Cellulose 26: 491-506 10.1007/s10570-018-2167-7

  9. Liu K., Vuckovac M., Latikka M., Huhtamäki T., Ras R.H.A. Improving surface-wetting characterization 2019 In : Science 363, 1147−1148 10.1126/science.aav5388 Read the press release here.

  10. Huan, S., Ajdary, R., Bai, L., Klar, V. & Rojas, O. J. Low solids emulsion gels based on nanocellulose for 3D-printing 2019 In : Biomacromolecules 20: 635-644  10.1021/acs.biomac.8b01224

  11. Alcanzare, M. M., Karttunen, M. & Ala-Nissila, T. Propulsion and controlled steering of magnetic nanohelices 2019 In : Soft Matter 15, 1684-1691 10.1039/c8sm00037a

  12. Griffo, A., Rooijakkers, B. J. M., Hähl, H., Jacobs, K., Linder, M. B. & Laaksonen, P. Binding Forces of Cellulose Binding Modules on Cellulosic Nanomaterials 2019 In : Biomacromolecules 20: 769-777 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b01346

  13. Lemetti, L., Hirvonen, S. P., Fedorov, D., Batys, P., Sammalkorpi, M., Tenhu, H., Linder, M. B. & Aranko, A. S. Molecular crowding facilitates assembly of spidroin-like proteins through phase separation 2019, In : European Polymer Journal 112, 539-546 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.10.010

  14. Ijäs, H., Hakaste, I., Shen, B., Kostiainen, M.A. & Linko, V. Reconfigurable DNA Origami Nanocapsule for pH-Controlled Encapsulation and Display of Cargo 2019 In : ACS Nano 13, 5959-5967 10.1021/acsnano.9b01857

  15. Tardy, B.L., Mattos, B.D., Greca, L.G., Kämäräinen, T., Klockars, K. & Rojas, O.J. Tessellation of chiral-nematic cellulose nanocrystal films by microtemplating 2019 In : Advanced Functional Materials 1808518 10.1002/adfm.201808518. Linked cover image here.

  16. Bertula, K., Martikainen, L., Munne, P., Hietala, S., Klefström, J., Ikkala, O. & Nonappa. Strain-stiffening of agarose gels 2019 In : ACS Macro Letters 8, 670−675 10.1021/acsmacrolett.9b00258. Linked cover image here.

  17. Välimäki, S., Gustavsson, L., Beyeh, N.K., Linko, V. & Kostiainen, M. Halogen-bond-mediated self-assembly of polymer-resorcinarene complexes 2019 In : Macromolecular rapid communications 1900158 10.1002/marc.201900158

  18. Zhang, H., Zeng, H., Priimägi, A. & Ikkala, O. Programming hydrogel with classical conditioning algorithm 2019 Nature Communications 10: 3267 10.1038/s41467-019-11260-3 See the press release here.

  19. Mohammadi, P., Wagermeier, W., Paananen, A., Penttilä, M. & Linder, M.B. Analysis of Finnish blue mussel (Mytilis edulis L.) shell: Biomineral ultrastructure, organic-rich interfacial matrix and mechanical behavior 2019 bioRxiv preprint: 10.1101/63669696

  20. Voutilainen, S., Paananen, A., Lille, M. & Linder, M. Modular protein architectures for pH-dependent interactions and switchable assembly of nanocellulose 2019 In : International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 137: 270-276 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.06.227

  21. Fedorov, D., Batys, P., Sammalkorpi, M. & Linder, M. Analyzing the weak dimerization of a cellulose binding module by sedimentation velocity experiments 2019 bioRxiv preprint: 10.1101/638320

  22. Hähl, H., Griffo, A., Safaridehkohneh, N., Heppe, J., Backes, S., Lienemann, M., Linder, M. B., Santen, L., Laaksonen, P. & Jacobs K. Dynamic Assembly of Class II Hydrophobins from T. reesei at the Air−Water Interface 2019 Langmuir 35, 9202-9212 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01078

  23. Anaya-Plaza, E., Aljarilla, A., Beaune, G., Nonappa, Timonen, J.V.I., de la Escosura, A., Torres, T. & Kostiainen, M.A. Phthalocyanine–Virus Nanofibers as Heterogeneous Catalysts for Continuous‐Flow Photo‐Oxidation Processes 2019 Advanced Materials 31: 1902582 10.1002/adma.201902582 See the press release here.

  24. Vuckovac M., Latikka M., Liu K., Huhtamäki T., Ras R.H.A. Uncertainties in Contact Angle Goniometry 2019 Soft Matter 15, 7089 10.1039/C9SM01221D

  25. Chandra, S., Nonappa, N., Beaune, G., Som, A., Zhou, S., Lahtinen, J., Jiang, H., Timonen, J., Ikkala, O. & Ras, R. Highly Luminescent Gold Nanocluster Frameworks 2019 In : Advanced Optical Materials 7: 1900620 10.1002/adom.20190062

  26. Zhang, H., Muhammad, J., Liu, K., Ras, R. H. A. & Ikkala, O. Light-induced reversible hydrophobization of cationic gold nanoparticles via electrostatic adsorption of a photoacid 2019 In : Nanoscale 11: 14118-14122 10.1039/c9nr05416b 

  27. Pääkkönen, T., Panagiotis, S., Nonappa, Kontturi, K.S., Penttilä, P., Viljanen, M., Svedström, K. & Kontturi, E. Sustainable High Yield Route to Cellulose Nanocrystals from Bacterial Cellulose 2019 In : ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 7: 14384-14388 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b04005

  28. Baidya, A., Yatheendran, A., Ahuja, T., Sudhakar, C., Kumar Das, S., Ras, R.H.A. & Pradeep, T. Waterborne Fluorine‐Free Superhydrophobic Surfaces Exhibiting Simultaneous CO2 and Humidity Sorption 2019 In : Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, 1901013 10.1002/admi.201901013. Linked cover image here.

  29. Mohammadi, P., Aranko, S.A., Landowski, C.P., Ikkala, O., Jaudzems, K., Wagermaier, W. & Linder, M.B. Biomimetic composites with enhanced toughening using silk-inspired triblock proteins and aligned nanocellulose reinforcements 2019 In : Science Advances 5, 9 10.1126/sciadv.aaw2541 See the press release here.

  30. Myllymäki, T. T. T., Guliyeva, A., Korpi, A., Kostiainen, M., Hynninen, V., Nonappa, N., Rannou, P., Ikkala, O. & Halia, S. Lyotropic liquid crystals and linear supramolecular polymers of end-functionalized oligosaccharides 2019, In : Chemical Communications 78 10.1039/C9CC04715H

  31. Piskunen, P., Shen, B., Julin, S., Ijäs, H., Toppari, J.J., Kostiainen, M.A. & Linko, V. DNA Origami-Mediated Substrate Nanopatterning of Inorganic Structures for Sensing Applications 2019 In : J. Vis. Exp. 151, e60313 10.3791/60313

  32. Beaumont, M., Rosenfeldt, S., Tardy, B. L., Gusenbauer, C., Khakalo, A., Nonappa, Opietnik, M., Potthast, A., Rojas, O. J. & Rosenau, T., Soft cellulose II nanospheres: Sol-gel behaviour, swelling and material synthesis 2019 In : Nanoscale 11, 17773-17781 10.1039/c9nr05309c

  33. Cherian, T., Nunes, D. R., Dane, T. G., Jacquemin, J., Vainio, U., Myllymaki, T. T. T., Timonen, J. V., Houbenov, N., Marechal, M., Rannou, P. & Ikkala, O. Supramolecular Self-Assembly of Nanoconfined Ionic Liquids for Fast Anisotropic Ion Transport 2019, In : Advanced Functional Materials. 8 p., 1905054 10.1002/adfm.201905054

  34. Lintinen, K., Luiro, S., Figueiredo, P., Sakarinen, E., Mousavi, Z., Seitsonen, J., Rivière, G. N. S., Mattinen, U., Niemelä, M., Tammela, P. Österberg, M., Johansson, L. S., Bobacka, J., Santos, H. A. & Kostiainen, M. A., Antimicrobial Colloidal Silver-Lignin Particles via Ion and Solvent Exchange 2019 In : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7: 15297-15303 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b02498

  35. Kamada, A., Levin, A., Toprakcioglu, Z., Shen, Y., Lutz-Bueno, V., Baumann, K.N., Mohammadi, P., Linder, M.B., Mezzenga, R. & Knowles, T.P.J. Modulating the Mechanical Performance of Macroscale Fibers through Shear‐Induced Alignment and Assembly of Protein Nanofibrils 2019 In : Small: 1904190 10.1002/smll.201904190

  36. Korpi, A., Skurmial, P. & Kostiainen, M. Thermally Induced Reversible Self‐Assembly of Apoferritin–Block Copolymer Complexes 2019 In : Macromolecular Rapid Communications 40: 1900308 10.1002/marc.201900308

  37. Buntara Sanjeeva, K., Pigliacelli, C., Gazzera, L., Dichiarante, V., Baldelli Bombelli, F. & Metrangolo, P., Halogen bond-assisted self-assembly of gold nanoparticles in solution and on a planar surface 2019 In : Nanoscale. 11, 18407-18415 10.1039/c9nr07054k 

  38. Zhang C., Chang Y., Xiao X., Liu G., Xu Z., Wang B., Yu C., Ras R.H.A., Jiang L. Efficient separation of immiscible oil/water mixtures using a perforated lotus leaf 2019 In : Green Chemistry 10.1039/C9GC03254A see also correction here.

  39. Gabryelczyk, B., Cai, H., Shi, X., Sun, Y., Swinkels, P. J. M., Salentinig, S., Pervushin, K. & Miserez, A. Hydrogen bond guidance and aromatic stacking drive liquid-liquid phase separation of intrinsically disordered histidine-rich peptides 2019 In : Nature Communications. 10, 5465 10.1038/s41467-019-13469-8

  40. Ramakrishnan, S., Shen, B., Kostiainen, M., Grundmeier, G., Keller, A. & Linko, V. Real‐Time Observation of Superstructure‐Dependent DNA Origami Digestion by DNase I Using High‐Speed Atomic Force Microscopy 2019 In : CHEMBIOCHEM  20, 2818-2823 10.1002/cbic.201900369

  41. Al-Azawi, A., Cenev, Z., Tupasela, T., Peng, B., Ikkala, O., Zhou, Q., Jokinen, V., Franssila, S. & Ras, R. Tunable and Magnetic Thiol-ene Micropillar Arrays 2019 In : Macromolecular Rapid Communications 41, 1900522 10.1002/marc.201900522

  42. Liu, Q., Välimäki, S., Shaukat, A., Shen, B., Linko, V. & Kostiainen, M.A. Serum Albumin–Peptide Conjugates for Simultaneous Heparin Binding and Detection 2019 In : ACS Omega 10.1021/acsomega.9b02883

  43. Dhar, P., Phiri, J., Szilvay, G.R., Westerholm-Parvinen, A., Maloney, T. & Laaksonen, P. Genetically engineered protein based nacre-like nanocomposites with superior mechanical and electrochemical performance 2019 In : J. Mater. Chem. A 10.1039/C9TA10881E

  44. Lohtander, T., Arola, S. & Laaksonen, P. Biomordanting willow bark dye on cellulosic materials 2019 In : Coloration Technology 10.1111/cote.12442

  45. Lehtonen, J., Hassinen, J., Honkanen, R., Kumar, A. A., Viskari, H., Kettunen, A., Pahimanolis, N., Pradeep, T., Rojas, O. J. & Ikkala, O. Effects of Chloride Concentration on the Water Disinfection Performance of Silver Containing Nanocellulose-based Composites 2019, In : Scientific Reports 9, 19505 10.1038/s41598-019-56009-6 

2018 (71)

  1. Wu, C., Deng, Z., Shang, B., Ikkala, O. & Peng, B. A versatile colloidal Janus platform: Surface asymmetry control, functionalization, and applications 2018 In : Chemical Communications 54, 12726-12729 10.1039/c8cc06830e

  2. Nonappa, N. & Ikkala, O. Hydrogen Bonding Directed Colloidal Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles into 2D Crystals, Capsids, and Supracolloidal Assemblies 2018 In : ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 28, 1704328 10.1002/adfm.201704328

  3. Guo, J., Filpponen, I., Johansson, L. S., Heiβler, S., Li, L., Levkin, P. & Rojas, O. J. Micro-patterns on nanocellulose films and paper by photo-induced thiol–yne click coupling: a facile method toward wetting with spatial resolution 2018 In : Cellulose 25, 367–375 10.1007/s10570-017-1593-2

  4. Fang, W., Linder, M. & Laaksonen, P. Modification of Carbon Nanotubes by Amphiphilic Glycosylated Proteins 2018 In : Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 512, p. 318-324 10.1016/j.jcis.2017.10.034

  5. Haataja, J. S., Houbenov, N., Aseyev, V., Fragouli, P., Iatrou, H., Sougrat, R., Hadjichristidis, N. & Ikkala, O. Polymersomes with asymmetric membranes and self-assembled superstructures using pentablock quintopolymers resolved by electron tomography 2018 In : Chemical Communications 54, 9, p. 1085-1088 10.1039/c7cc07306b

  6. Morits, M., Hynninen, V., Nonappa, Niederberger, A., Ikkala, O., Groschel, A. H. & Mullner, M. Polymer brush guided templating on well-defined rod-like cellulose nanocrystals 2018 In : Polymer Chemistry 9, 13, p. 1650-1657 10.1039/C7PY01814B

  7. Nummelin, S., Kommeri, J., Kostiainen, M. A. & Linko, V. Evolution of Structural DNA Nanotechnology 2018 In : Advanced Materials 30, 24, 1703721 10.1002/adma.201703721

  8. Verho, T., Karppinen, P., Gröschel, A. H. & Ikkala, O. Imaging Inelastic Fracture Processes in Biomimetic Nanocomposites and Nacre by Laser Speckle for Better Toughness 2018 In : Advanced Science 5, 1, 1700635 10.1002/advs.201700635

  9. Toivonen, M. S., Onelli, O. D., Jacucci, G., Lovikka, V., Rojas, O. J., Ikkala, O. & Vignolini, S. Anomalous-Diffusion-Assisted Brightness in White Cellulose Nanofibril Membranes 2018 In : Advanced Materials 30, 16, 1704050 10.1002/adma.201704050

  10. Kontturi, E., Laaksonen, P., Linder, M. B., Nonappa, Gröschel, A. H., Rojas, O. J. & Ikkala, O. Advanced Materials through Assembly of Nanocelluloses 2018 In : Advanced Materials 30, 24, 1703779  10.1002/adma.201703779

  11. Tardy, B., Richardson, J. J., Guo, J., Lehtonen, J., Ago, M. & Rojas Gaona, O. Lignin Nano- and Microparticles as Template for Nanostructured Materials: Formation of Hollow Metal-Phenolic Capsules 2018 In : Green Chemistry 20, p. 1335-1344 10.1039/c8gc00064f

  12. De Matos, M., Mattos, B. D., Tardy, B. L., Rojas, O. J. & Magalhães, W. L. E. Use of Biogenic Silica in Porous Alginate Matrices for Sustainable Fertilization with Tailored Nutrient Delivery 2018 In : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 6, 2, p. 2716-2723 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b04331

  13. Shen, B., Linko, V., Tapio, K., Pikker, S., Lemma, T., Gopinath, A., Gothelf, K. V., Kostiainen, M. A. & Toppari, J. J. Plasmonic nanostructures through DNA-assisted lithography 2018 In : Science Advances 4, 2, p. 1-7 10.1126/sciadv.aap8978

  14. Turunen, L., Pan, F., Beyeh, N. K., Trant, J. F., Ras, R. H. A. & Rissanen, K. Bamboo-like Chained Cavities and Other Halogen-Bonded Complexes from Tetrahaloethynyl Cavitands with Simple Ditopic Halogen Bond Acceptors 2018 In : Crystal Growth and Design 18, 513-520 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b01517

  15. Beyeh, N. K., Díez, I., Taimoory, S. M., Meister, D., Feig, A. I., Trant, J. F., Ras, R. H. A. & Rissanen, K. High-affinity and selective detection of pyrophosphate in water by a resorcinarene salt receptor 2018 In : Chemical Science 9, 5, p. 1358-1367 10.1039/c7sc05167k

  16. Poutanen, M., Ahmed, Z., Rautkari, L., Ikkala, O. & Priimagi, A. Thermal Isomerization of Hydroxyazobenzenes as a Platform for Vapor Sensing 2018 In : ACS Macro Letters 7, 3, p. 381-386 10.1021/acsmacrolett.8b00093

  17. Korpi, A., Ma, C., Liu, K., Nonappa, Niederberger, A., Ikkala, O., Groschel, A. H.& Mullner, M. Self-Assembly of Electrostatic Cocrystals from Supercharged Fusion Peptides and Protein Cages 2018 In : ACS Macro Letters 7, 3, p. 318-323 10.1021/acsmacrolett.8b00023

  18. Poutanen, M., Guidetti, G., Gröschel, T. I., Borisov, O. V., Vignolini, S., Ikkala, O. & Gröschel, A. H. Block Copolymer Micelles for Photonic Fluids and Crystals 2018 In : ACS Nano 12, 4, p. 3149-3158 10.1021/acsnano.7b09070

  19. Özkan, M., Borghei, M., Karakoç, A., Rojas, O. J. & Paltakari, J. Films based on crosslinked TEMPO-oxidized cellulose and predictive analysis via machine learning 2018 In : Scientific Reports 8, 4748 10.1038/s41598-018-23114-x

  20. Khakalo, A., Filpponen, I. & Rojas, O. J. Protein-mediated interfacial adhesion in composites of cellulose nanofibrils and polylactide: Enhanced toughness towards material development 2018 In : Composites Science and Technology 160, p. 145-151 10.1016/j.compscitech.2018.03.013

  21. Greca, L. G., Lehtonen, J., Tardy, B. L., Guo, J. & Rojas, O. J. Biofabrication of multifunctional nanocellulosic 3D structures: A facile and customizable route 2018 In : Materials Horizons 5, 3, p. 408-415 10.1039/c7mh01139c

  22. Mattos, B. D., Tardy, B. L., Pezhman, M., Kämäräinen, T., Linder, M., Schreiner, W. H., Magalhães, W. L. E. & Rojas, O. J. Controlled biocide release from hierarchically-structured biogenic silica: surface chemistry to tune release rate and responsiveness 2018 In : Scientific Reports 8, 1, 5555 10.1038/s41598-018-23921-2

  23. Kämäräinen, T., Ago, M., Seitsonen, J., Raula, J., Kauppinen, E. I., Ruokolainen, J. & Rojas, O. J. Harmonic analysis of surface instability patterns on colloidal particles 2018 In : Soft Matter 14, 17, p. 3387-3396 10.1039/c8sm00383a

  24. Bai, L., Huan, S., Xiang, W. & Rojas, O. J. Pickering emulsions by combining cellulose nanofibrils and nanocrystals: Phase behavior and depletion stabilization 2018 In : Green Chemistry 20, 7, p. 1571-1582 10.1039/c8gc00134k

  25. Bai, L., Xiang, W., Huan, S. & Rojas, O. J. Formulation and Stabilization of Concentrated Edible Oil-in-Water Emulsions Based on Electrostatic Complexes of a Food-Grade Cationic Surfactant (Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate) and Cellulose Nanocrystals 2018 In : Biomacromolecules 19, 5, p. 1674-1685 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00233

  26. Eisa, W. H., Abdelgawad, A. M. & Rojas, O. J. Solid-State Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles Supported on Cellulose Nanocrystals and Their Catalytic Activity 2018 In : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 6, 3, p. 3974-3983 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b04333

  27. Borghei, M., Miettunen, K., Greca, L. G., Poskela, A., Lehtonen, J., Lepikko, S., Tardy, B. L., Lund, P., Subramanian, V. R. & Rojas, O. J. Biobased aerogels with different surface charge as electrolyte carrier membranes in quantum dot-sensitized solar cell 2018 (Accepted/In press) In : Cellulose p. 1-13 10.1007/s10570-018-1807-2

  28. Khanjani, P., King, A. W. T., Partl, G. J., Johansson, L. S., Kostiainen, M. A. & Ras, R. H. A.  Superhydrophobic Paper from Nanostructured Fluorinated Cellulose Esters 2018 In : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10, 13, p. 11280-11288 10.1021/acsami.7b19310

  29. Chakraborty, A., Fernandez, A. C., Som, A., Mondal, B., Natarajan, G., Paramasivam, G., Lahtinen, T., Häkkinen, H., Nonappa & Pradeep, T. Atomically Precise Nanocluster Assemblies Encapsulating Plasmonic Gold Nanorods 2018 In : Angewandte Chemie 57, p. 6522-6526 10.1002/anie.201802420

  30. Latikka, M., Backholm, M., Timonen, J. V. I. & Ras, R. H. A. Wetting of ferrofluids: Phenomena and control 2018 In : Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 36, p. 118-129 10.1016/j.cocis.2018.04.003

  31. Huhtamäki, T., Tian, X., Korhonen, J. T. & Ras, R. Surface-wetting characterization using contact-angle measurements 2018 In: Nature Protocols 13, 1521-1528  10.1038/s41596-018-0003-z
  32. Kielar, K., Xin, Y., Shen, B., Kostiainen, M. A., Grundmeier, G., Linko, V. & Keller, A. On the stability of DNA origami nanostructures in low-magnesium buffers 2018 In: Angewandte Chemie 57, 30, p. 9470-9474 10.1002/anie.201802890
  33. Tripathi, A., Parsons, G. N., Khan, S. A. & Rojas, O. J. Synthesis of organic aerogels with tailorable morphology and strength by controlled solvent swelling following Hansen solubility 2018 In : Scientific Reports 8, 1, 2106 10.1038/s41598-018-19720-4

  34. Borghei, M., Lehtonen, J., Liu, L. & Rojas, O. J. Advanced Biomass-Derived Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction 2018 In: Advanced Materials 30, 1703691 10.1002/adma.201703691

  35. Huang, S., Ras, R. H. A. & Tian, X. Antifouling membranes for oily wastewater treatment: Interplay between wetting and membrane fouling 2018 In : Current Opinion in Colloid and Interfae Science 36, p. 90-109 10.1016/j.cocis.2018.02.002

  36. Baidya, A., Das, S. K., Ras, R. H. A. & Pradeep, T. Fabrication of a Waterborne Durable Superhydrophobic Material Functioning in Air and under Oil 2018 In : Advanced Materials Interfaces 5, 1701523 10.1002/admi.20170152

  37. Mattinen, M. L., Valle-Delgado, J. J., Leskinen, T., Anttila, T., Riviere, G., Sipponen, M., Paananen, A., Lintinen, K., Kostiainen, M. & Österberg, M. Enzymatically and chemically oxidized lignin nanoparticles for biomaterial applications 2018 In : Enzyme and Microbial Technology 111, p. 48-56 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2018.01.005

  38. Linko, V., Mikkilä, J. & Kostiainen, M. A. Packaging DNA origami into viral protein cages 2018 In : Virus-Derived Nanoparticles for Advanced Technologies. Wege, C. & Lomonossoff, G. P. (eds.), Methods in Molecular Biology; Vol. 1776, p. 267-277 10.1007/978-1-4939-7808-3_18

  39. Julin, S., Nummelin, S., Kostiainen, M. A. & Linko, V. DNA Nanostructure-Directed Assembly of Metal Nanoparticle Superlattices 2018 In : Journal of Nanoparticle Research 20, 11910.1007/s11051-018-4225-3
  40. Ijäs, H., Nummelin, S., Shen, B., Kostiainen, M. A. & Linko, V. Dynamic DNA Origami Devices: from Strand-Displacement Reactions to External-Stimuli Responsive Systems 2018 In : International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19, 2114 10.3390/ijms19072114

  41. Välimäki, S., Beyeh, N. K., Linko, V., Ras, R. H. A & Kostiainen, M. A. A Supramolecular Host-Guest Complex for Heparin Binding and Sensing 2018 In: Nanoscale 10, 14022-14030 10.1039/C8NR03132K

  42. Beyeh, N. K., Nonappa, Liljeström, V., Mikkilä, J., Korpi, A., Bochicchio, D., Pavan, G., Ikkala, O., Ras, R. & Kostiainen, M. Crystalline Cyclophane-Protein Cage Frameworks 2018 In : ACS Nano 12, 8029–8036 10.1021/acsnano.8b02856

  43. Mattos, B. D., Greca, L. G., Tardy, B. L., Magalhães, W. L. E. & Rojas, O. J. Green Formation of Robust Supraparticles for Cargo Protection and Hazards Control in Natural Environments 2018 In: Small 14, 1801256 10.1002/smll.201801256

  44. Fang, W., Nonappa, Vitikainen, M., Mohammadi, P., Koskela, S., Soikkeli, M., Westerholm-Parvinen, M., Landowski, C. P., Penttilä, M., Linder, M. B. & Laaksonen, P. Coacervation of resilin fusion proteins containing terminal functionalities 2018 In : Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces  171,  590-596  10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.07.048

  45. Chang, B., Kivinen, O., Pini, I., Levkin, P. A., Ras, R. & Zhou, Q. Nanoliter deposition on star-shaped hydrophilic–superhydrophobic patterned surfaces 2018 In : Soft Matter 14, 7500-7506 10.1039/C8SM01288A

  46. Li, B., Wang, X., Li, Y., Paananen, A., Szilvay, G. R., Qin, M., Wang, W. & Cao, Y. Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Reveals Self-Assembly Enhanced Surface Binding of Hydrophobins 2018 In : Chemistry 24, 9224-9228  10.1002/chem.201801730

  47. Cusola, O., Kivistö, S., Vierros, S., Batys, P., Ago, M., Tardy, B. L., Greca, L. G., Roncero, M. B., Sammalkorpi, M. & Rojas, O. J. Particulate Coatings via Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly of Polydisperse Colloidal Lignin on Solid Interfaces 2018 In : Langmuir 34, 5759-5771 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00650

  48. Pelras, T., Mahon, C. S., Nonappa, N., Ikkala, O., Gröschel, A. H. & Müllner, M. Polymer Nanowires with Highly Precise Internal Morphology and Topography 2018 In : Journal of the American Chemical Society 140, 12736–12740 10.1021/jacs.8b08870

  49. Mohammadi, P., Beaune, G., Stokke, B. T., Timonen, J. V. I. & Linder, M. B. Self-Coacervation of a Silk-Like Protein and Its Use As an Adhesive for Cellulosic Materials 2018 In : ACS Macro Letters 7, 1120-1125 10.1021/acsmacrolett.8b00527

  50. Hynninen, V., Hietala, S., McKee, J. R., Murtomäki, L., Rojas Gaona, O., Ikkala, O. & Nonappa, N. Inverse Thermoreversible Mechanical Stiffening and Birefringence in a Methylcellulose/Cellulose Nanocrystal Hydrogel 2018 In : Biomacromolecules 19, 2795-2804 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00392

  51. Rooijakkers, B. J. M., Ikonen, M. S. & Linder, M. B. Fungal-type carbohydrate binding modules from the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi show binding affinity to cellulose and chitin 2018 In : PLoS ONE 13, e0197875 10.1371/journal.pone.0197875

  52. Mohammadi, P., Aranko, A. S., Lemetti, L., Cenev, Z., Zhou, Q., Virtanen, S. , Landowski, C. P. , Penttilä, M. , Fischer, W. J., Wagermaier, W.  & Linder, M. B. Phase transitions as intermediate steps in the formation of molecularly engineered protein fibers 2018 In : Communications Biology 1, 86 10.1038/s42003-018-0090-y

  53. Vasilescu, C., Latikka, M., Knudsen, K. D., Garamus, V. M., Socoliuc, V., Turcu, R., Tombácz, E., Susan-Resiga, D., Ras, R. H. A. & Vékás, L. High concentration aqueous magnetic fluids: structure, colloidal stability, magnetic and flow properties 2018 In : Soft Matter 14, 32, p. 6648-6666 10.1039/c7sm02417g
  54. Klockars, K., Tardy, B., Borghei, M., Tripathi, A., Garcia Greca, L. & Rojas Gaona, O. Effect of Anisotropy of Cellulose Nanocrystal Suspensions on Stratification, Domain Structure Formation, and Structural Colors 2018 In : Biomacromolecules 19, 2931-2943 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00497
  55. Selin, M., Nummelin, S., Deleu, J., Ropponen, J., Viitala, T., Lahtinen, M., Koivisto, J., Hirvonen, J., Peltonen, L., Kostiainen, M. A. & Bimbo, L. M. High-Generation Amphiphilic Janus-Dendrimers as Stabilizing Agents for Drug Suspensions 2018 In: Biomacromolecules 19, 3983–3993 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00931

  56. Shen, B., Kostiainen, M. A. & Linko, V. DNA Origami Nanophotonics and Plasmonics at Interfaces 2018 In: Langmuir 34, 14911-14920 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01843

  57. Hähl, H., Vargas, J. N., Jung, M., Griffo, A., Laaksonen, P., Lienemann, M., Jacobs, K., Seemann, R. & Fleury, J. B. Adhesion Properties of Freestanding Hydrophobin Bilayers 2018 In : Langmuir 34, 8542-8549 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b00575

  58. Dong, Y., Paukkonen, H., Fang, W., Kontturi, E., Laaksonen, T. & Laaksonen, P. Entangled and colloidally stable microcrystalline cellulose matrices in controlled drug release 2018 In : International Journal of Pharmaceutics 548, 113-119 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2018.06.022

  59. Dong, Z., Schumann, M. F., Hokkanen, M. J., Chang, B., Welle, A., Zhou, Q., Ras, R. H. A., Xu, Z., Wegener, M. & Levkin, P. A. Superoleophobic Slippery Lubricant-Infused Surfaces: Combining Two Extremes in the Same Surface 2018 In : Advanced Materials 30, 1803890 10.1002/adma.201803890. Linked cover image here.

  60. Nilebäck, L., Arola, S., Kvick, M., Paananen, A., Linder, M. B. & Hedhammar, M. Interfacial Behavior of Recombinant Spider Silk Protein Parts Reveals Cues on the Silk Assembly Mechanism 2018, In: Langmuir 34, 11795-11805 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02381

  61. Lundahl, M. J., Berta, M., Ago, M., Stading, M. & Rojas, O. L. Shear and extensional rheology of aqueous suspensions of cellulose nanofibrils for biopolymer-assisted filament spinning 2018 In : European Polymer Journal 109, 367-378  10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2018.10.006

  62. Liu, L., Borghei, M., Wang, Z., Xu, J., Fan, Y. & Rojas, O. J. Salt-Induced Colloidal Destabilization, Separation, Drying, and Redispersion in Aqueous Phase of Cationic and Anionic Nanochitins 2018 In : Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 66, 9189-9198 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b02062

  63. Putreddy, R., Beyeh, N.K., Jurcek, P., Turunen, L., Trant, J.F., Ras, R.H.A. & Rissanen, K. Host-guest complexes of C-propyl-2-bromoresorcinarene with aromatic N-oxides 2018 In :  Supramolecular Chemistry 30, 445-454  10.1080/10610278.2017.1414217

  64. Tripathi, A., Ago, M., Khan, S. A. & Rojas, O. J. Heterogeneous Acetylation of Plant Fibers into Micro- and Nanocelluloses forthe Synthesis of Highly Stretchable, Tough, and Water-Resistant Co-continuous Filaments via Wet-Spinning 2018 In : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10, 44776-44786  10.1021/acsami.8b17790

  65. Quintana, E., Ago, M., Valls, C., Roncero, M. B. & Rojas, O. J. Alternative chemo-enzymatic  treatment  for  homogeneous  and heterogeneousacetylation of wood fibers 2018 In: Cellulose 25, 5323–5336 10.1007/s10570-018-1947-4

  66. Guedes Nunes da Cunha, G., Lundahl, M., Ansari, M. F., Johansson, L-S., Campbell, J. & Rojas Gaona, O. Surface Structuring and Water Interactions of Nanocellulose Filaments Modifiedwith Organosilanes toward Wearable Materials 2018 In : ACS Applied Nano Materials 1, 5279-5288  10.1021/acsanm.8b01268

  67. Lundahl, M. J., Klar, V., Ajdary, R., Norberg, N., Ago, M., Cunha, A. G. & Rojas, O. J. Absorbent Filaments  from Cellulose  Nanofibril Hydrogels through Continuous Coaxial Wet  Spinning  2018, In : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10, 27287-27296  10.1021/acsami.8b08153

  68. Abbati De Assis, C., Greca, L. G., Ago, M., Balakshin, M. Y., Jameel, H., Gonzalez, R. & Rojas, O. J. Techno-Economic Assessment, Scalability, and Applications of AerosolLignin Micro- and Nanoparticles 2018 In : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 6, 11853-11868 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b02151

  69. Shen, B., Linko, V. & Toppari, J. J. DNA-assisted molecular lithography 2018 In : DNA Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols.Zuccheri, G. (ed.). p. 299-314  10.1007/978-1-4939-8582-1_20

  70. Ramakrishnan, S., Ijäs, H., Linko, V. & Keller, A. Structural stability of DNA origami nanostructures under application-specific conditions 2018, In : Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 16, 342-349 10.1016/j.csbj.2018.09.002

  71. Osmekhina, E., Jonkergouw, C., Schmidt, G., Jahangiri, F., Jokinen, V., Franssila, S. & Linder, M. Controlled communication between physically separated bacterial populations in a microfluidic device 2018 In : Communications Biology 1, 97 10.1038/s42003-018-0102-y

2017 (64)

  1. Vieira, V. M. P., Liljeström, V., Posocco, P., Laurini, E., Pricl, S., Kostiainen, M. A. & Smith, D. K. Emergence of highly-ordered hierarchical nanoscale aggregates on electrostatic binding of self-assembled multivalent (SAMul) cationic micelles with polyanionic heparin 2017 In : Journal of Materials Chemistry B 5, 341-347. 10.1039/c6tb02512a

  2. Borghei, M., Laocharoen, N., Kibena-Põldsepp, E., Johansson, L. S., Campbell, J., Kauppinen, E., Tammeveski, K. & Rojas, O. J. Porous N,P-doped carbon from coconut shells with high electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction: Alternative to Pt-C for alkaline fuel cells 2017 In : Applied Catalysis B - Environmental. 204, p. 394-402. 10.1016/j.apcatb.2016.11.029
  3. Myllymäki, T. T. T., Lemetti, L., Nonappa, N. & Ikkala, O.  Hierarchical Supramolecular Cross-Linking of Polymers for Biomimetic Fracture Energy Dissipating Sacrificial Bonds and Defect Tolerance under Mechanical Loading 2017 In : ACS Macro Letters 6, 210-214. 10.1021/acsmacrolett.7b00011

  4. Morits, M., Verho, T., Sorvari, J., Liljeström, V., Kostiainen, M. A., Gröschel, A. H. & Ikkala, O. Toughness and Fracture Properties in Nacre-Mimetic Clay/Polymer Nanocomposites 2017 In : Advanced Functional Materials. 9 p., 1605378. 10.1002/adfm.201605378

  5. Song, J., Yang, F., Zhang, Y., Hu, F., Wu, S., Jin, Y., Guo, J. & Rojas, O. J. Interactions between fungal cellulases and films of nanofibrillar cellulose determined by a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) 2017 In : Cellulose 25 p. 1947-1956. 10.1007/s10570-017-1234-9

  6. Hirvonen, J., Lai, Y., Kallio, P., Cunha, G. & Rojas, O. Automated estimation of contact angle on hydrophobic fibers using a microrobotic platform 2017 IEEE 3M-NANO 2016 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., p. 130-135 6 p. 7824935. 10.1109/3M-NANO.2016.7824935

  7. Anaya-Plaza, E. , van de Winckel, E. , Mikkilä, J. , Malho, J. M. , Ikkala, O. , Gulías, O. , Bresolí-Obach, R. , Agut, M. , Nonell, S. , Torres, T. Kostiainen, M. A. & de la Escosura, A. Photoantimicrobial Biohybrids by Supramolecular Immobilization of Cationic Phthalocyanines onto Cellulose Nanocrystals 2017 In : Chemistry: a European journal. 23, 18, p. 4320-4326 10.1002/chem.201605285

  8. Lundahl, M., Klar, V., Wang, L., Ago, M. & Rojas Gaona, O. Spinning of Cellulose Nanofibrils into Filaments: A Review 2017 In : Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 56, 1, p. 8–19 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b04010

  9. Zhang, Y. & Rojas, O. J. Immunosensors for C-Reactive Protein Based on Ultrathin Films of Carboxylated Cellulose Nanofibrils 2017 In : Biomacromolecules. 18, 2, p. 526-534 10.1021/acs.biomac.6b0168

  10. Ras, R. H. A., Tian, X., Chang, B. & Timonen, J. V. I. CHAPTER 13: Droplet Manipulation on Liquid-Repellent Surfaces 2017 In: Non-wettable Surfaces: Theory, Preparation, and Applications. Ras, R.H.A. & Marmur, A.(eds.), RSC Soft Matter no. 5, The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, p. 368-384. 10.1039/9781782623953-00368

  11. Nonappa, N., Haataja, J. S., Timonen, J. V. I., Malola, S., Engelhardt, P., Houbenov, N., Lahtinen, M., Häkkinen, H. & Ikkala, O. Reversible Supracolloidal Self-Assembly of Cobalt Nanoparticles to Hollow Capsids and Their Superstructures 2017 In : Angewandte Chemie 56, 6473–6477 10.1002/anie.201701135/full

  12. Milani, R. , Houbenov, N. , Fernandez-Palacio, F. , Cavallo, G. , Luzio, A. , Haataja, J. , Giancane, G. , Saccone, M. , Priimagi, A. , Metrangolo, P. Ikkala, O. Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Halogen-Bonded Block Copolymer Complexes into Upright Cylindrical Domains 2017 In : Chem. 2, 3, p. 417-426 1-s2.0-S2451929417300724-main

  13. Toivonen, M. S., Kurki-Suonio, S., Wagermaier, W., Hynninen, V., Hietala, S. & Ikkala, O. Interfacial Polyelectrolyte Complex Spinning of Cellulose Nanofibrils for Advanced Bicomponent Fibers 2017 In : Biomacromolecules. 18, 4, p. 1293-1301 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00059

  14. Tripathi, A., Ferrer, A., Khan, S. A. & Rojas, O. J. Morphological and Thermochemical Changes upon Autohydrolysis and Microemulsion Treatments of Coir and Empty Fruit Bunch Residual Biomass to Isolate Lignin-Rich Micro- and Nanofibrillar Cellulose 2017 In : ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING. 5, 3, p. 2483-2492 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b02838

  15. Guo, J., Filpponen, I., Johansson, L. S., Mohammadi, P., Latikka, M., Linder, M. B., Ras, R. H. A. & Rojas, O. J. Complexes of Magnetic Nanoparticles with Cellulose Nanocrystals as Regenerable, Highly Efficient, and Selective Platform for Protein Separation 2017 In : Biomacromolecules. 18, 3, p. 898-905 10.1021/acs.biomac.6b01778

  16. Khakalo, A., Filpponen, I. & Rojas, O. J. Protein Adsorption Tailors the Surface Energies and Compatibility between Polylactide and Cellulose Nanofibrils10 Apr 2017 In : Biomacromolecules. 18, 4, p. 1426-1433 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00173

  17. Pereira, A., Hoeger, I. C., Ferrer, A., Rencoret, J., del Rio, J. C., Kruus, K., Rahikainen, J., Kellock, M., Gutiérrez, A. & Rojas, O. J. Lignin Films from Spruce, Eucalyptus, and Wheat Straw Studied with Electroacoustic and Optical Sensors: Effect of Composition and Electrostatic Screening on Enzyme Binding10 Apr 2017 In : Biomacromolecules. 18, 4, p. 1322-1332 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00071

  18. Ago, M., Tardy, B. L., Wang, L., Guo, J., Khakalo, A. & Rojas, O. J. Supramolecular assemblies of lignin into nano- and microparticles 1 May 2017 In : MRS BULLETIN. 42, 5, p. 371-378 10.1557/mrs.2017.88

  19. Tardy, B. L., Yokota, S., Ago, M., Xiang, W., Kondo, T., Bordes, R. & Rojas, O. J. Nanocellulose–surfactant interactions 2017 In : CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE. 29, p. 57-67 10.1016/j.cocis.2017.02.004

  20. Capron, I., Rojas, O. J. & Bordes, R. Behavior of nanocelluloses at interfaces 2017 In : CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE. 29, p. 83-95 10.1016/j.cocis.2017.04.001

  21. Uddin, K. M. A., Orelma, H., Mohammadi, P., Borghei, M., Laine, J., Linder, M. & Rojas, O. J. Retention of lysozyme activity by physical immobilization in nanocellulose aerogels and antibacterial effects 2017 In : Cellulose. p. 2837–2848 10.1007/s10570-017-1311-0

  22. Nummelin, S., Selin, M., Legrand, S., Ropponen, J., Seitsonen, J., Nykänen, A., Koivisto, J., Hirvonen, J., Kostiainen, M. A. & Bimbo, L. M. Modular synthesis of self-assembling Janus-dendrimers and facile preparation of drug-loaded dendrimersomes 2017 In : NANOSCALE. 9, 21, p. 7189-7198 10.1039/c6nr08102a

  23. Tayeb, A. H. M., Sadeghifar, H., Hubbe, M. A. & Rojas, O. J. Lipoxygenase-mediated peroxidation of model plant extractives 2017 In : INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS. 104, p. 253-26 10.1016/j.indcrop.2017.04.041

  24. Fang, W., Paananen, A., Vitikainen, M., Koskela, S., Westerholm-Parvinen, A., Joensuu, J. J., Landowski, C. P., Penttilä, M., Linder, M. & Laaksonen, P. Elastic and pH responsive hybrid interfaces created with engineered resilin and nanocellulose 2017 In : BIOMACROMOLECULES. 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00294

  25. Grunér, M. S., Paananen, A., Szilvay, G. R. & Linder, M. B. The dynamics of multimer formation of the amphiphilic hydrophobin protein HFBII 1 Jul 2017 In : COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B: BIOINTERFACES 155, 111-117 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2017.03.057 

  26. Guo, J., Liu, D., Filpponen, I., Johansson, L. S., Malho, J. M., Quraishi, S., Liebner, F., Santos, H. A. & Rojas, O. J. Photoluminescent Hybrids of Cellulose Nanocrystals and Carbon Quantum Dots as Cytocompatible Probes for in Vitro Bioimaging 2017 In : Biomacromolecules 18, 2045-2055 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00306

  27. Vuoriluoto, M., Orelma, H., Lundahl, M., Borghei, M. & Rojas, O. J. Filaments with Affinity Binding and Wet Strength Can Be Achieved by Spinning Bifunctional Cellulose Nanofibrils 2017 In : Biomacromolecules. 18, 1803-1813 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00256

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  29. Backholm, M., Vuckovac, M., Schreier, J., Latikka, M., Hummel, M., Linder, M. B. & Ras, R. H. A. Oscillating Ferrofluid Droplet Microrheology of Liquid-Immersed Sessile Droplets  2017 In: Langmuir 33, 6300-6306  10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b01327

  30. Auvinen, H., Zhang, H., Nonappa, N., Kopilow, A., Niemelä, E. H., Nummelin, S., Correia, A. M., Santos, H. A., Linko, V. & Kostiainen, M. A. Protein Coating of DNA Nanostructures for Enhanced Stability and Immunocompatibility 2017 In : ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS 6 1700692 10.1002/adhm.20170069

  31. Turunen, L., Pan, F., Beyeh, N. K., Cetina, M., Trant, J. F., Ras, R. H. A. & Rissanen, K. Halogen-bonded solvates of tetrahaloethynyl cavitands 2017 In : CrystEngComm. 19, 5223-5229 10.1039/c7ce01118k

  32. Morits, M., McKee, J. R., Majoinen, J., Malho, J. M., Houbenov, N., Seitsonen, J., Laine, J., Gröschel, A. H. & Ikkala, O. Polymer Brushes on Cellulose Nanofibers: Modification, SI-ATRP, and Unexpected Degradation Processes 2017 In : ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING. 5, 7642-7650 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b00972

  33. Liljeström, V., Ora, A., Hassinen, J., Rekola, H., Nonappa, N., Heilala, M., Hynninen, V., Joensuu, J. J., Ras, R., Törmä, P., Ikkala, O. & Kostiainen, M.  Cooperative colloidal self-assembly of metal-protein superlattice wires 2017 In : NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 671 10.1038/s41467-017-00697-z

  34. Guo, J., Uddin, K. M. A., Mihhels, K., Fang, W., Laaksonen, P., Zhu, J. Y. & Rojas, O. J. Contribution of Residual Proteins to the Thermomechanical Performance of Cellulosic Nanofibrils Isolated from Green Macroalgae 2017 In : ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING 5, 6978-6985 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b01169

  35. Mattos, B. D., Tardy, B. L., Magalhães, W. L. E. & Rojas, O. J. Controlled release for crop and wood protection: Recent progress toward sustainable and safe nanostructured biocidal systems 2017 In : Journal of Controlled Release 262, 139-150 10.1016/j.jconrel.2017.07.025

  36. Bertula, K., Nonappa, N., Myllymäki, T. T. T., Yang, H., Zhu, X. X. & Ikkala, O. Hierarchical self-assembly from nanometric micelles to colloidal spherical superstructures 2017 In : POLYMER 126, 177-187 10.1016/j.polymer.2017.08.027

  37. Uddin, K. M. A., Ago, M. & Rojas, O. J. Hybrid films of chitosan, cellulose nanofibrils and boric acid: Flame retardancy, optical and thermo-mechanical properties 2017 In : Carbohydrate Polymers 177,13-21 10.1016/j.carbpol.2017.08.116

  38. Mohammadi, P., Toivonen, M. S., Ikkala, O., Wagermaier, W. & Linder, M. B. Aligning cellulose nanofibril dispersions for tougher fibers 2017 In : Scientific Reports 7, 11860 10.1038/s41598-017-12107-x

  39. Kurppa, K., Reuter, L. J., Ritala, A., Linder, M. B. & Joensuu, J. J. In-solution antibody harvesting with a plant-produced hydrophobin-Protein A fusion 2017 In : PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 16, 404-414 10.1111/pbi.12780 

  40. Griffo, A. , Hähl, H. , Grandthyll, S. , Müller, F. , Paananen, A. , Ilmen, M. , Szilvay, G. R. , Landowski, C. P. , Penttilä, M. , Jacobs, K. & Laaksonen, P. Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Study on Modular Resilin Fusion Protein 2017 In : ACS Omega 2, 6906–6915 10.1021/acsomega.7b01133

  41. Al-Azawi, A., Latikka, M., Jokinen, V., Franssila, S. & Ras, R. H. A. Friction and Wetting Transitions of Magnetic Droplets on Micropillared Superhydrophobic Surfaces 2017 In : Small 13, 1700860 10.1002/smll.201700860

  42. Khakalo, A., Kouko, J., Filpponen, I., Retulainen, E. & Rojas, O. J. In-Plane Compression and Biopolymer Permeation Enable Super-stretchable Fiber Webs for Thermoforming toward 3-D Structures 2017 In : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 5, 9114-9125 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b02025

  43. Liimatainen, V., Vuckovac, M., Jokinen, V., Sariola, V., Hokkanen, M., Zhou, Q. & Ras, R. Mapping microscale wetting variations on biological and synthetic water-repellent surfaces 2017 In : NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 8, 1798 10.1038/s41467-017-01510-7

  44. Tardy, B. L., Ago, M., Guo, J., Borghei, M., Kämäräinen, T. & Rojas, O. J. Optical Properties of Self-Assembled Cellulose Nanocrystals Films Suspended at Planar–Symmetrical Interfaces 2017 In : Small. 13, 47, 1702084 10.1002/smll.201702084

  45. Huan, S., Yokota, S., Bai, L., Ago, M., Borghei, M., Kondo, T. & Rojas, O. J. Formulation and Composition Effects in Phase Transitions of Emulsions Costabilized by Cellulose Nanofibrils and an Ionic Surfactant 2017 In : Biomacromolecules 18, 12, p. 4393-4404 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b0145

  46. Arcot, L. R., Gröschel, A. H., Linder, M. B., Rojas, O. J. & Ikkala, O. Self-assembly of native cellulose nanostructures 2017 In : Handbook of Nanocellulose and Cellulose Nanocomposites Vol. 1 10.1002/9783527689972.ch4

  47. Figueiredo, P., Lintinen, K., Kiriazis, A., Hynninen, V., Liu, Z., Bauleth-Ramos, T., Rahikkala, A., Correia, A., Kohout, T., Sarmento, B., Yli-Kauhaluoma, J., Hirvonen, J., Ikkala, O., Kostiainen, M. & Santos, H. A. In vitro evaluation of biodegradable lignin-based nanoparticles for drug delivery and enhanced antiproliferation effect in cancer cells 2017 In : Biomaterials 121, 97-108 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.12.034

  48. Pizzi, A., Pigliacelli, C., Gori, A., Nonappa, N., Ikkala, O., Demitri, N., Terraneo, G., Castelletto, V., Hamley, I. W., Bombelli, F. B. &  Metrangolo, P. Halogenation Dictates Architecture of Amyloid Peptide Nanostructures 2017 In : Nanoscale 9, 9805–9810 10.1039/C7NR03263C

  49. Tayeb, A. H. M., Hubbe, M. A., Tayeb, P., Pal, L. & Rojas, O. J. Soy Proteins As a Sustainable Solution to Strengthen Recycled Paper and Reduce Deposition of Hydrophobic Contaminants in Papermaking: A Bench and Pilot-Plant Study 2017 In : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 5, 7211-7219 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b01425

  50. Tayeb, A. H., Hubbe, M. A., Zhang, Y. & Rojas, O. J. Effect of Lipoxygenase Oxidation on Surface Deposition of Unsaturated Fatty Acids 2017 In : Langmuir. 33, 18, p. 4559-4566 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00908

  51. Hubbe, M. A., Ferrer, A., Tyagi, P., Yin, Y., Salas, C., Pal, L. & Rojas, O. J. Nanocellulose in thin films, coatings, and plies for packaging applications: A review 2017 In : Bioresources 12, 1, p. 2143-2233 Hubbe_et_al_2017_Nanocellulose_in_Thin_Films.pdf

  52. Fritz, C., Salas, C., Jameel, H. & Rojas, O. J. Self-association and aggregation of kraft lignins via electrolyte and nonionic surfactant regulation: stabilization of lignin particles and effects on filtration 2017 In : Nordic pulp & paper research journal 32, 572-585 10.3183/NPPRJ-2017-32-04-p572-585

  53. Puttreddy, R., Beyeh, N. K., Ras, R. H. A., Trant, J. F. & Rissanen, K. Endo- / exo- and halogen-bonded complexes of conformationally rigid C-ethyl-2-bromoresorcinarene and aromatic N-oxides 2017 In : CrystEngComm 19, 4312-4320  10.1039/c7ce00975e

  54. Puttreddy, R., Beyeh, N. K., Ras, R. H. A. & Rissanen, K. Host-Guest Complexes of C-Ethyl-2-methylresorcinarene and Aromatic N,N′-Dioxides 2017 In : ChemistryOpen 6, 417–423 10.1002/open.201700026

  55. Hähl, H., Vargas, J. N., Griffo, A., Laaksonen, P., Szilvay, G., Lienemann, M., Jacobs, K., Seemann, R. & Fleury, J-B. Pure Protein Bilayers and Vesicles from Native Fungal Hydrophobins 2017 In : ADVANCED MATERIALS 29, 1602888 10.1002/adma.201602888

  56. Pigliacelli, C., Maiolo, D., Nonappa, N., Haataja, J., Amenitsch, H., Michelet, C., Sanchez Moreno, P., Tirotta, I., Metrangolo, P. & Baldelli Bombelli, F. Efficient Encapsulation of Fluorinated Drugs in the Confined Space of Water-Dispersible Fluorous Supraparticles 2017 In : Angewandte Chemie 129, 16404–16408 10.1002/ange.201710230 See cover image here.

  57. Tatikonda, R., Bertula, K., Nonappa, N., Hietala, S., Rissanen, K. & Haukka, M. Bipyridine based metallogels: an unprecedented difference in photochemical and chemical reduction in the in situ nanoparticle formation 2017 In : Dalton Transactions 46, p. 2793-2802 10.1039/C6DT04253H

  58. Arnedo-Sanchez, L., Nonappa, N., Bhowmik, S., Hietala, S., Puttreddy, R., Lahtinen, M., De Cola, L. & Rissanen, K. Rapid self-healing and anion selectivity in metallosupramolecular gels assisted by fluorine-fluorine interactions 2017 In : Dalton Transactions 46, 7309-7316 10.1039/C7DT00983F

  59. Leskinen, T., Witos, J., Valle-Delgado, J. J., Lintinen, K., Kostiainen, M., Wiedmer, S. K., Österberg, M. & Mattinen, M. L. Adsorption of Proteins on Colloidal Lignin Particles for Advanced Biomaterials 2017 In : Biomacromolecules 18, 2767-2776 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b00676

  60. Meister, K., Roeter, S. J., Paananen, A., Woutersen, S., Versluis, J., Szilvay, G. R. & Bakker, H. J. Observation of pH-Induced Protein Reorientation at the Water Surface 2017 In : The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8, 1772-1776 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00394

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2016 (55)

  1. Tian, X., Verho, T., Ras, R.H.A. Moving superhydrophobic surfaces toward real-world applications, Science, 352, 142-143 (2016)  DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf2073

  2. Majoinen, J., Hassinen, J., Haataja, J. S., Rekola, H. T., Kontturi, E., Kostiainen, M. A., Ras, R. H. A., Törmä, P.& Ikkala, O. Chiral Plasmonics Using Twisting along Cellulose Nanocrystals as a Template for Gold Nanoparticles13 Jul 2016 In : ADVANCED MATERIALS. 28, 26, p. 5262–5267 10.1002/adma.201600940

  3. Mertaniemi, H., Escobedo-Lucea, C., Sanz-Garcia, A., Gandía, C., Mäkitie, A., Partanen, J., Ikkala, O. & Yliperttula, M. Human stem cell decorated nanocellulose threads for biomedical applications1 Mar 2016 In : BIOMATERIALS. 82, p. 208-220 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.12.020

  4. Fang, W., Arola, S. Malho, J.M, Kontturi, E., Linder, M.B., Laaksonen, P. Noncovalent Dispersion and Functionalization of Cellulose Nanocrystals with Proteins and Polysaccharides, Biomacromolecules 17, 1458-1465  (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.6b00067

  5. Lintinen K., Latikka M., Sipponen M. H., Ras R.H.A., Österberg M., Kostiainen M., Structural Diversity in Metal-Organic Nanoparticles Based on Iron Isopropoxide Treated Lignin, RSC Advances 6, 31790-31796 (2016). DOI: 10.1039/C6RA03865D

  6. Soikkeli, M., Kurppa, K., Kainlauri,M., Arpiainen, S., Paananen, A, Gunnarsson, D., Joensuu, J., Päivi Laaksonen, P., Prunnila, M., Linder, M.B.,  Ahopelto, J.,  Graphene Biosensor Programming with Genetically Engineered Fusion Protein Monolayers, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 8257-8264 (2016)DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b00123
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  9. Vuoriluoto M., Orelma H., Zhu, B., Johansson L.-S., Rojas O.J. ,Control of Protein Affinity of Bioactive Nanocellulose and Passivation Using Engineered Block and Random Copolymers, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 5668-5678 (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b11737
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  13. Carrillo C.A., Nypelö T., Rojas O.J.,Double emulsions for the compatibilization of hydrophilic nanocellulose with non-polar polymers and validation in the synthesis of composite fibers, Soft Matter, 12, 2721-2728 (2016). DOI: 10.1039/C5SM02578H
  14. Kiviaho, J. K., Linko, V., Ora, A., Tiainen, T., Järvihaavisto,E., Mikkilä, J., Tenhu, H., Nonappa., Kostiainen. M. A.,, Cationic polymers for DNA origami coating - examining their binding efficiency and tuning the enzymatic reaction rates, Nanoscale 8, pp. 11674-11680 (2016).
  15. Löbling, T., Borisov, O., Haataja, J.S., Ikkala, O., Gröschel, A., Müller, A.H.E, Rational design of ABC triblock terpolymer solution nanostructures with controlled patch morphology, Nature Communications 7, 12097 (2016).
  16. Nonappa., Kolehmainen, E., Solid state NMR studies of gels derived from low molecular weight gelators, Soft Matter 12, pp. 6015 - 6026 (2016).
  17. Myllymäki, T.T.T., Nonappa., Yang, H., Liljeström, V., Kostiainen, M.A., Malho, J.-M., Zhu, X.X., and Ikkala, O., Hydrogen bonding asymmetric star-shape derivative of bile acid leads to supramolecular fibrillar aggregates that wrap into micrometer spheres, Soft Matter 12, pp. 7159-7165 (2016).
  18. Wang, M., Anoshkin, I. V., Nasibulin, A. G., Ras, R. H. A., Nonappa., Laine, J., Kauppinen, E., Ikkala, O., Electrical behaviour of native cellulose nanofibril/carbon nanotube hybrid aerogels under cyclic compression, RSC Advances 6, pp. 89051-89056 (2016).
  19. Malho, J.-M., Morits, M., Löbling, T.I., Nonappa., Majoinen, J., Schacher, F. H., Ikkala, O., and Gröschel, A. H., Rod-Like Nanoparticles with Striped and Helical Topography, ACS Macro Letters 5, pp. 1185-1190 (2016).
  20. Nonappa., Lahtinen, Tanja., Haataja, J. S., Tero, T.-R., Häkkinen, H., and Ikkala, O., Template-Free Supracolloidal Self-Assembly of Atomically Precise Gold Nanoclusters: From 2D Colloidal Crystals to Spherical Capsids, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55, pp. 1-5 (2016).
  21. Lundahl, M.J., Cunha, A.G., Rojo, E., Papageorgiou, A.C. Rautkari, L., Arboleda, J.C. Rojas, O.J. Strength and Water Interactions of Cellulose I Filaments Wet-Spun from Cellulose Nanofibril Hydrogels, Scientific Reports 6, 30695 (2016) DOI: 10.1038/srep30695
  22. Tian X., Jokinen V., Li J., Sainio J., Ras R.H.A.,Unusual Dual Superlyophobic Surfaces in Oil-Water Systems: the Design PrinciplesAdvanced Materials 28, 10652–10658 (2016). 10.1002/adma.201602714

  23. Beyeh N.K., Pan F., Ras R.H.A.,N-Alkyl Ammonium Resorcinarene Chloride Receptors for Guest Binding in Aqueous Environment,Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry 5, 1027-1032 (2016). 10.1002/ajoc.201600187

  24. Hiekkataipale, P., Löbling, T., Poutanen, M., Priimägi, A., Abetz, V., Ikkala, O. & Gröschel, A. Controlling the shape of Janus nanostructures through supramolecular modification of ABC terpolymer bulk morphologies 2016 In : POLYMER. 107, p. 456–465.  10.1016/j.polymer.2016.05.076

  25. Fernandez-Palacio, F., Poutanen, M., Saccone, M., Siiskonen, A., Terraneo, G., Resnati, G., Ikkala, O., Metrangolo, P. & Priimägi A., Efficient light-induced phase transitions in halogen-bonded liquid crystals  2016 In : Chemistry of Materials. 28, 22, p. 8314-8321. 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b03460

  26. Kämäräinen, T., Arcot, L. R., Johansson, L-S., Campbell, J., Tammelin, T., Franssila, S., Laine, J. & Rojas, O. J. UV-ozone patterning of micro-nano fibrillated cellulose (MNFC) with alkylsilane self-assembled monolayers 2016 In : Cellulose. 23, 3, p. 1847-1857. 10.1007/s10570-016-0942-x

  27. Jukkola, A., Partanen, R., Rojas Gaona, O. & Heino, A.Separation of milk fat globules via microfiltration: Effect of diafiltration media and opportunities for stream valorization2016 In : JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE. 99, 11, p. 8644 8654. 10.3168/jds.2016-11422

  28. Orelma, H., Vuoriluoto, M., Johansson, L. S., Campbell, J. M., Filpponen, E., Biesalski, M. & Rojas , O. J. Preparation of photoreactive nanocellulosic materials via benzophenone grafting2016 In : RSC ADVANCES. 6, 88, p. 85100-85106.  10.1039/c6ra15015b

  29. Ago, M., Borghei, M., Haataja, J. S. & Rojas Gaona, O. 2016 Mesoporous carbon soft-templated from lignin nanofiber networks: Microphase separation boosts supercapacitance in conductive electrodes In : RSC ADVANCES. 6, 89, p. 85802-85810. 10.1039/c6ra17536h

  30. Li, S., Xiang, W., Järvinen, M., Lappalainen, T., Salminen, K. & Rojas Gaona, O. Interfacial Stabilization of Fiber-Laden Foams with Carboxymethylated Lignin toward Strong Nonwoven Networks2016 In : ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES. 8, 30, p. 19827–19835. 10.1021/acsami.6b06418
  31. Välimäki, S., Khakalo, A., Ora, A., Johansson, L-S., Rojas Gaona, O. & Kostiainen, M. Effect of PEG–PDMAEMA Block Copolymer Architecture on Polyelectrolyte Complex Formation with Heparin2016 In : BIOMACROMOLECULES 10.1021/acs.biomac.6b00699
  32. Guo, J., Filpponen, I., Su, P., Laine, J. & Rojas Gaona, O. Attachment of gold nanoparticles on cellulose nanofibrils via click reactions and electrostatic interactions 2016 In : Cellulose. 23, 5, p. 3065-3075. 10.1007/s10570-016-1042-7
  33. Khakalo, A., Vishtal, A., Retulainen, E., Filpponen, I. & Rojas , O. J. Mechanically-induced dimensional extensibility of fibers towards tough fiber networks2016 In : Cellulose. p. 1-15. 10.1007/s10570-016-1102-z
  34. Arola, S. & Linder, M. B.Binding of cellulose binding modules reveal differences between cellulose substrates 2016 In : SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 6, 9 p., 35358 10.1038/srep35358

  35. Linko, V., Nummelin, S., Aarnos, L., Tapio, K., Toppari, J. J. & Kostiainen, M. A. DNA-based enzyme reactors and systems 2016 In : Nanomaterials. 6, 8, 139. 10.3390/nano6080139

  36. Ora, A., Järvihaavisto, E., Zhang, H., Auvinen, H., Santos, H. A., Kostiainen, M. A. & Linko, V. Cellular delivery of enzyme-loaded DNA origami2016 In : Chemical Communications. 52, 98, p. 14161-14164. 10.1039/c6cc08197e

  37. Rantasalo, A., Czeizler, E., Virtanen, R., Rousu, J., Lähdesmäki, H., Penttilä, M., Jäntti, J., Mojzita, D. (2016) Synthetic transcription amplifier system for orthogonal control of gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Plos One 11(2) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148320.

  38. Reuter LJ, Conley AJ, Joensuu JJ. Continuous Flow Separation of Hydrophobin Fusion Proteins from Plant Cell Culture Extract. Methods Mol Biol. 2016 1385:189-97.doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3289-4_14.

  39. Poutanen, M., Ikkala, O. & Priimägi, A. Structurally Controlled Dynamics in Azobenzene-Based Supramolecular Self-Assemblies in Solid State 2016 In : Macromolecules. 49, 11, p. 4095-4101 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b00562

  40. Löbling, T. I., Ikkala, O., Gröschel, A. H. & Müller, A. H. E. Controlling Multicompartment Morphologies Using Solvent Conditions and Chemical Modification 2016 In : ACS Macro Letters 5, p. 1044-1048 10.1021/acsmacrolett.6b00559

  41. Leitch, M. E., Li, C., Ikkala, O., Mauter, M. S. & Lowry, G. V. Bacterial Nanocellulose Aerogel Membranes: Novel High-Porosity Materials for Membrane Distillation 2016 In : Environmental science & technology letters 3, p. 85-91 10.1021/acs.estlett.6b0003

  42. Reuter, L., Ritala, A., Linder, M. & Joensuu, J. Novel hydrophobin fusion tags for plant-produced fusion proteins 2016 In : PLOS ONE. 11, 10, e0164032 10.1371/journal.pone.0164032

  43. Guo, J., Fang, W., Welle, A., Feng, W., Filpponen, I., Rojas, O. J. & Levkin, P. A. Superhydrophobic and Slippery Lubricant-Infused Flexible Transparent Nanocellulose Films by Photoinduced Thiol-Ene Functionalization 2016 In : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 8, 49, p. 34115-34122 10.1021/acsami.6b11741

  44. Li, S., Ogunkoya, D., Fang, T., Willoughby, J. & Rojas Gaona, O. Carboxymethylated lignins with low surface tension toward low viscosity and highly stable emulsions of crude bitumen and refined oils 2016 In : Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 482, p. 27-38 10.1016/j.jcis.2016.07.063

  45. Ago, M., Ferrer, A. & Rojas, O. J. Starch-Based Biofoams Reinforced with Lignocellulose Nanofibrils from Residual Palm Empty Fruit Bunches: Water Sorption and Mechanical Strength 2016 In : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 4, 10, p. 5546-5552 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01279

  46. Ye, D., Li, S., Lu, X., Zhang, X. & Rojas Gaona, O. Antioxidant and Thermal Stabilization of Polypropylene by Addition of Butylated Lignin at Low Loadings 2016 In : ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 4, 10, p. 5248-5257 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01241

  47. Li, S., Willoughby, J. & Rojas Gaona, O. Oil-in-Water Emulsions Stabilized by Carboxymethylated Lignins: Properties and Energy Prospects 2016 In : CHEMSUSCHEM 9, 17, p. 2460–2469 10.1002/cssc.201600704

  48. Ago, M., Huan, S., Borghei, M., Raula, J-J., Kauppinen, E. & Rojas Gaona, O. High-Throughput Synthesis of Lignin Particles (∼30 nm to ∼2 μm) via Aerosol Flow Reactor: Size Fractionation and Utilization in Pickering Emulsions 2016 In : ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES. 8, 35, p. 23302–23310 10.1021/acsami.6b07900

  49. Domingues, A. A., Pereira, F. V., Sierakowski, M. R., Rojas, O. J. & Petri, D. F. S. Interfacial properties of cellulose nanoparticles obtained from acid and enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose 2016 In : Cellulose 23, 4, p. 2421–2437 10.1007/s10570-016-0965-3

  50. Pan, F., Beyeh, N. K., Ras, R. H. A. & Rissanen, K. Guest-Induced Folding of the N-Benzyl Substituents in an Ammonium Resorcinarene Chloride and the Formation of a Halogen-Bonded Dimer of Capsules 2016 In : CRYSTAL GROWTH AND DESIGN 16, 12, p. 6729-6733 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01454

  51. Li, J., Qin, Q., Shah, A., Ras, R., Tian, X. & Jokinen, V. Oil droplet self-transportation on oleophobic surfaces 2016 In : Science Advances 2, e1600148 10.1126/sciadv.1600148

  52. Chang, B., Zhou, Q., Ras, R. H. A., Shah, A., Wu, Z. & Hjort, K. Sliding droplets on hydrophilic/superhydrophobic patterned surfaces for liquid deposition 2016 In : Applied Physics Letters 108, 15, 154102 10.1063/1.4947008

  53. Kunwar, P., Hassinen, J., Bautista, G., Ras, R. H. A. & Toivonen, J. Sub-micron scale patterning of fluorescent silver nanoclusters using low-power laser 2016 In : Scientific Reports 6, 23998 10.1038/srep23998

  54. Shen, B., Tapio, K., Linko, V., Kostiainen, M. A. & Toppari, J. J. Metallic nanostructures based on DNA nanoshapes 2016 In : Nanomaterials 6, 8, 146 10.3390/nano6080146

  55. Lievonen, M., Valle-Delgado, J. J., Mattinen, M. L., Hult, E. L., Lintinen, K., Kostiainen, M. A., Paananen, A., Szilvay, G. R., Setälä, H. & Österberg, M. A simple process for lignin nanoparticle preparation 2016 In : Green Chemistry 18, 5, p. 1416-1422 10.1039/c5gc01436k

2015 (49)

  1. Liljeström, V.,Seitsonen, J., Kostiainen, M. A. Electrostatic Self-Assembly of Soft Matter Nanoparticle Co-Crystals with Tuneable Lattice Parameters, ACS Nano 9 (11), 11278–11285 (2015).

  2. Janecek, ER; Mckee, JR; Tan, CSY; Nykanen, A; Kettunen, M; Laine, J; Ikkala, O; Scherman, OA, Hybrid Supramolecular and Colloidal Hydrogels that Bridge Multiple Length Scales, Angewandte Chemie 54, pp. 5383-5388 (2015).

  3. Gruner, M.S., Kauscher,U., Linder, M.B., Monopoli, M.P.  An environmental route of exposure affects the formation of nanoparticle coronas in blood plasma, Journal of Proteomics 137, 52–58 (2015).

  4. Bertolani, A., Pirrie, L., Stefan, L., Houbenov, N., Haataja, J. S.,Catalano, L., Terraneo, G., Giancane, G., Valli, L., Milani, R., Ikkala, O., Resnati, G., and Metrangolo, P., Supramolecular amplification of amyloid self-assembly by iodination, Nature Communications 6, 754 (2015).

  5. Malho, J-M. Arola, S., Laaksonen, P., Szilvay, G., Ikkala, O., Linder, M.B., Modular Architecture of Protein Binding Units for Designing Properties of Cellulose Nanomaterials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54 (2015)

  6. Gazzera, L., Corti, C., Pirrie, L., Paananen, A., Monfredini, A., Cavallo, G., Bettini, S., Giancane, G., Valli, L., Linder, M. B., Resnati, G., Milani, R., Metrangolo, P. Hydrophobin as a nanolayer primer that enables the fluorinated coating of poorly reactive polymer surfaces, Advanced Materials Interfaces.  2, Article number 1500170 (2015)

  7. Ridout, J.M., Paananen, A., Mamode, A., Linder, M.B., Wilde, PJ,Interaction of transglutaminase with adsorbed and spread films of β-casein and к-casein, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2015)

  8. Milani, R., Pirrie, L., Gazzera, L., Paananen, A., Baldrighi, M., Monogioudi, E., Cavallo, G., Linder, M., Resnati, G., Metrangolo, P. A synthetically modified hydrophobin showing enhanced fluorous affinity, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 448: 140-147 (2015)

  9. Yotprayoonsak, P., Szilvay, G.R., Laaksonen, P., Linder, M.B., Ahlskog, M. The effect of hydrophobin protein on conductive properties of carbon nanotube field-effect transistors: First study on sensing mechanism.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15,  (2015)

  10. Lee, S., Ron, T., Pakkanen, K., Linder, M. Hydrophobins as aqueous lubricant additive for soft sliding contact, Colloids Surfaces B 125, 264-269  (2015)

  11. Linko, V.; Shen, B.; Toppari, J. J.; Kostiainen, M. A.; Tuukkanen, S. One-Step Large-Scale Deposition of Purified and Salt-Free DNA Origami Nanostructures, Scientific Reports, 5 (2015).

  12. Nypelö TE, Carrillo CA, Rojas OJ, Lignin supracolloids synthesized from (W/O) microemulsions: use in the interfacial stabilization of Pickering systems and organic carriers for silver metal, Soft Matter, 11, 2046-2054 (2015).!divAbstract

  13. Toivonen, M.S., Kaskela, A., Rojas, O.J., Kauppinen, E.I., and Ikkala, O., Ambient-Dried Cellulose Nanofibril Aerogel Membranes with High Tensile Strength and Their Use for Aerosol Collection and Templates for Transparent, Flexible Devices, Advanced Functional Materials 25, 6618-6625 (2015).

  14. Linko, V.; Ora, A.; Kostiainen, M. A. DNA Nanostructures as Smart Drug-Delivery Vehicles and Molecular Devices, Trends in Biotechnology, 33, 586–594 (2015).

  15. Malho, J-M., Ouellet-Plamondon, C., Rüggeberg, M., Laaksonen, P., Ikkala, O.,Burgert, I., Linder, M. B. Enhanced plastic deformations of nanofibrillated cellulose film by adsorbed moisture and protein-mediated interactions, Biomacromolecules. 16, 311 – 318, (2015)

  16. Lienemann, M., Grunér, M. S., Paananen, A., Siika-aho, M., Linder, M. B., Charge-based engineering of hydrophobin HFBI: Effect on interfacial assembly and interactions, Biomacromolecules. 16, 1283-1292 (2015)

  17. Löbling, T. I., Hiekkataipale, P., Hanisch, A., Bennet, F., Schmalz, H., Ikkala, O., Gröschel, A. H., and Müller, A. H., Bulk morphologies of polystyrene-block-polybutadiene-block-poly(tert-butyl methacrylate) triblock terpolymers, Polymer 72, 479-489 (2015).

  18. Gkikas, M, Haataja, J.S., Ruokolainen, J., Iatrou, H, and Houbenov, N, Complexation-Driven Mutarotation in Poly(l-proline) Block Copolypeptides, Biomacromolecules 16, 3686-3693 (2015).

  19. Arcot L., Ahsan Uddin K. M., Chen X., Wenchao X., Xianming K., Johansson L. S., Ras R. H. A. and Rojas O. J., Paper-based plasmon-enhanced protein sensing by controlled nucleation of silver nanoparticles on cellulose, Cellulose 22, 4027-4034 (2015).

  20. Fritz C, Jeuck B, Salas C, Jameel H, Gonzalez, R., Rojas OJ, Nanocellulose and Proteins: Recent developments exploiting their interactions for production, immobilization and synthesis of biocompatible materials, Part of the series Advances in Polymer Science, pp 1-18(2015).

  21. Nonappa., Saman, D., Kolehmainen, E., Studies on supramolecular gel formation using DOSY NMR, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 53, pp. 00 (2015).

  22. Toivonen MS, Kurki-Suonio S, Schacher FH, Hietala S, Rojas OJ, Ikkala O, Water-resistant, transparent hybrid nanopaper by physical crosslinking with chitosan,Biomacromolecules, 16, 062-7 (2015).

  23. Carrillo, C.A. ; Nypelö, T.; Rojas, O.J.,  Cellulose nanofibrils for one-step stabilization of multiple emulsions (W/O/W) based on soybean oil, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 445, 166-173 (2015).

  24. Carrillo CA, Nypelö TE, Rojas OJ, Lignin supracolloids synthesized from (W/O) microemulsions: use in the interfacial stabilization of Pickering systems and organic carriers for silver metal, Soft Matter, 11, 2046-2054 (2015).

  25. Rojo E, Peresin MS, Sampson WW, Hoeger IC, Vartiainen J, Laine J, Rojas OJ, Comprehensive elucidation of the effect of residual lignin on the physical, barrier, mechanical and surface properties of nanocellulose films, Green Chemistry, 17, 1853-1866 (2015).

  26.  Bai H, Xu J, Zhang Y, Liu X, Rojas OJ, Dynamics of cyclodimerization and viscoelasticity of photo-crosslinkable PVA​, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 53, 345–355 (2015).

  27. Korhonen MHJ, Rojas OJ, Laine J, Effect of charge balance and dosage of polyelectrolyte complexes on the shear resistance of mineral floc strength and reversibility, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 448, 73-78 (2015).

  28. Castro, C.; Cordeiro, N.; Faria, M.; Zuluaga, R.; Putaux, J-L.; Filpponen, I.; Velez, L.; Rojas, O.J.; Ganán, P. In-situ glyoxalization during biosynthesis of bacterial cellulose, Carbohydrate Polymers, 126, 32-39 (2015).

  29. Välimäki, S.; Mikkilä, J.; Liljeström, V.; Rosilo, H.; Ora A.; Kostiainen, M. A. Hierarchically Ordered Supramolecular Protein-Polymer Composites with Thermoresponsive Properties, International Journal of Molecular Sciences,16, 10201-10213, (2015).

  30. Nummelin, S.; Liljeström, V.; Saarikoski, E.; Ropponen, J.; Nykänen, A.; Linko, V.; Seppälä, J.; Hirvonen, J.; Ikkala, O.; Bimbo, L.; Kostiainen, M. A. Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Janus Dendrimers into Mechanically Robust Supramolecular Hydrogels for Sustained Drug Release, Chemistry – A European Journal, (2015), in press.

  31. Shen, B., Linko, V., Tapio, K., Kostiainen, M. A., Toppari, J. J., Custom-shaped metal nanostructures based on DNA origami silhouettes. Nanoscale (2015).

  32. Hassinen J., Liljeström V., Kostiainen M., Ras R.H.A., Rapid Cationization of Gold Nanoparticles by Two-Step Phase Transfer, Angewandte Chemie International Edition,54, 7990-7993, (2015).

  33. Linko, V.; Eerikäinen, M.; Kostiainen, M. A. A Modular DNA Origami-Based Enzyme Nanoreactor, Chem. Comm.,51, 5351-5354, (2015)!divAbstract

  34. Gabryelczyk, B.; Szilvay, G.; Singh, V.; Mikkilä, J.; Kostiainen, M. A.; Koskinen, J.; Linder, M Engineering of the function of diamond-like carbon binding peptides through structural design, Biomacromolecules, 16,476-482, (2015)

  35. Wang M., Tian X.L., Ras R.H.A., Ikkala O., Sensitive Humidity-Driven Reversible and Bidirectional Bending of Nanocellulose Thin Films as Bio-Inspired Actuation, Advanced Materials Interfaces 2, 1500080(2015).

  36. Li, J., Hietala, S., and Tian, X.,BaTiO3 Supercages: Unusual Oriented Nanoparticle Aggregation and Continuous Ordering Transition in Morphology, ACS NANO 9, 496-502 (2015).

  37. Vishtal A, Khakalo A, Rojas OJ, Retulainen E. Improving the extensibility of paper: Sequential spray addition of gelatine and agar, Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal, 30, 452-460 (2015).

  38. Song J, Salas C, Rojas OJ, Role of textile substrate hydrophobicity on the adsorption of hydrosoluble nonionic block copolymers, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 454, 89–96 (2015).

  39. Vuoriluoto M, Orelma H, Johansson L-S, Zhu B, Poutanen M, Walther A, Laine, Rojas OJ, Effect of Molecular Architecture of PDMAEMA-POEGMA Random and Block Copolymers on Their Adsorption on Regenerated and Anionic Nanocelluloses and Evidence of Interfacial Water Expulsion, Journal of Physcal Chemistry B(2015 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b07628

  40. Jia C., Song J., Jin Y, Rojas OJ. Controlled-release drug carriers based hierarchical silica microtubes templated from cellulose acetate nanofibers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 132, 42562 (2015)

  41. Fritz C, Ferrer Carrera A, Salas, C, Jameel H, Rojas OJ, On the interactions between cellulolytic enzymes with native, autohydrolysis and technical lignins and the effect of a polysorbate amphiphile in reducing non-productive binding, Biomacromolecules,  (2015)

  42. Ferrer A, Salas C, Rojas OJ, Dewatering of MNFC containing microfibrils and microparticles from soybean hulls: mechanical and transport properties of hybrid films, Cellulose, 22, 3919-3928 (2015)

  43. Izawa, H., Okuda, O., Ifuku, S., Morimoto, M., Saimoto, H. & Rojas, O. Bio-based wrinkled surfaces harnessed from biological design principles of wood and peroxidase activity, ChemSusChem, 8, 22, p. 3892-3896 (2015) 10.1002/cssc.201500819

  44. Castro, C., Zuluaga, R., Caro, G., Rojas, O., Filpponen, E., Orelma, H., Londoño, M., Betancourt, S. & Gañán, P. Highly percolated poly(vinyl alcohol) and bacterial nanocellulose synthesized in-situ by physical-crosslinking: Exploiting polymer synergies for biomedical nanocomposites 2015 In : RSC ADVANCES. 5, p. 90742-90749 10.1039/c5ra16966f

  45. Langdon, B. B., Mirhossaini, R. B., Mabry, J. N., Sriram, I., Lajmi, A., Zhang, Y., Rojas, O. J. & Schwartz, D. K. Single-molecule resolution of protein dynamics on polymeric membrane surfaces: The roles of spatial and population heterogeneity 2015 In : ACS APPLIED MATERIALS AND INTERFACES. 7, 6, p. 3607-3617 10.1021/am507730k

  46. Cusola, O., Roncero, M. B., Vidal, T. & Rojas, O. J. A Facile and Green Method to Hydrophobize Films of Cellulose Nanofibrils and Silica by Laccase-Mediated Coupling of Nonpolar Colloidal Particles 2014 In : CHEMSUSCHEM 7, p. 2868-2878 10.1002/cssc.201402432

  47. Chang, B., Shah, A., Zhou, Q., Ras, R. H. A. & Hjort, K. Self-transport and self-alignment of microchips using microscopic rain 2015 In : SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5, 14966 10.1038/srep14966

  48. Vapaavuori, J., Ras, R. H. A., Kaivola, M., Bazuin, C. G. & Priimagi, A. From partial to complete optical erasure of azobenzene-polymer gratings: effect of molecular weight 2015 In : JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 3, 42, p. 11011-11016 10.1039/c5tc01776a
  49. Bellapadrona, G., Sinkar, S., Liljeström, V., Kostiainen, M. A., Elbaum, M. & Sabanay, H. Supramolecular Assembly and Coalescence of Ferritin Cages Driven by Designed Protein-Protein Interactions 2015 In : BIOMACROMOLECULES 16, 7, p. 2006-2011 10.1021/acs.biomac.5b00435

2014 (39)

  1. Khakalo, A.; Filpponen, F.; Johansson, L-S.; Vishtal, A.; Arcot, L.R.; Rojas, O.J.; Laine, J., Using gelatin protein to facilitate paper thermoformability, Reactive & Functional Polymers, 85, 175–184 (2014)

  2. Carrillo, C.A..; Laine, J.; Rojas, O.J., Microemulsion systems for fiber deconstruction into cellulose nanofibrils, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6, 22622-22627 (2014).

  3. Hattula K, Hirschberg D, Kalkkinen N, Butcher SJ, Ora A., Association between the intrinsically disordered protein PEX19 and PEX3., PLOS ONE 9, 1-10 (2014).

  4. Löbling, T. I., Haataja, J. S.,Synatschke, C. C., Schacher, F. H., Müller, M.,  Hanisch, A., Gröschel A. H., and Müller, A. H. E. Hidden Structural Features of Multicompartment Micelles Revealed by Cryogenic Transmission Electron Tomography ACS Nano, 8, 11330–11340, (2014)

  5. Nypelö, T.; Rodriguez-Abreu, C.; Kolen'ko, Y.V.; Rivas, J.; Rojas, O.J. Microbeads and Hollow Microcapsules Obtained by Self-Assembly of Pickering Magneto-Responsive Cellulose Nanocrystals, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, 16851–16858 (2014).

  6. Salas, C.; Ago, M.; Lucia, L.A.; Rojas, O.J., Synthesis of soy protein–lignin nanofibers by solution electrospinning, Reactive & Functional Polymers, 85, 221-227 (2014)

  7. Salas, C.; Nypelö, T.; Rodriguez-Abreu, C.; Carrillo, C.; Rojas, O.J. Nanocellulose Properties and Applications in Colloids and Interfaces, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science,  19,383-396,(2014).

  8. Nypelö, T., Rodriguez-Abreu, C., Rivas, J., Dickey, M.D., Rojas, O.J. Magneto-responsive hybrid materials based on cellulose nanocrystals, Cellulose , 21, 4, 2557-2566 (2014).

  9. Kunwar P., Hassinen J., Bautista G., Ras R. H. A., and Toivonen, J., Direct Laser Writing of Photostable Fluorescent Silver Nanoclusters in Polymer Films, ACS Nano 8, 11165-11171 (2014).

  10. Ghosh A., Hassinen J., Pulkkinen P., Tenhu H., Ras R.H.A., Pradeep T., Simple and Efficient Separation of Atomically Precise Noble Metal Clusters, Analytical Chemistry 86, 12185-12190 (2014).

  11. Koskela J.E., Vapaavuori J., Ras R.H.A., Priimagi A., Light-Driven Surface Patterning of Supramolecular Polymers with Extremely Low Concentration of Photoactive Molecules, ACS Macro Letters 3, 1196-1200 (2014).

  12. Malho, J-M.,Heinonen, H., Kontro,I., Mushi,N.E., Seerimaa, R., Hentze, H-P., Linder, M.B., and Szilvay, G.R. Formation of Ceramophilic chitin and biohybrid materials enabled by a genetically engineered bifunctional protein. Chem Commun. 50, 7348-7351 (2014) DOI: 10.1039/C4CC02170C, Communication

  13. Gabryelczyk, B., Szilvay, G. R., Linder, M. B., The Structural Basis for Function in Diamond-like Carbon Binding Peptides, Langmuir 30 (29), 8798-8802 (2014)

  14. Kurppa, Katri; Hytönen, Vesa P.; Nakari-Setälä, Tiina; Kulomaa, Markku S.; Linder, Markus B. Molecular engineering of avidin and hydrophobin for functional self-assembling interfaces,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,102-109 (2014)

  15. Korhonen J.T., Huhtamäki T., Verho T., Ras R.H.A., Hollow polysiloxane nanostructures based on pressure-induced film expansion, Surface Innovations 2, 116-126 (2014).

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  38. Moerland R.J., Koskela J.E., Kravchenko A., Simberg M., van der Vegte S., Kaivola M., Priimagi A., Ras R.H.A., Large-area arrays of three-dimensional plasmonic subwavelength-sized structures from azopolymer surface-relief gratings, Materials Horizons 1, 74-80 (2014).

  39. Majoinen, J., Haataja, J. S., Appelhans. D., Lederer, A., Olszewska, A., Seitsonen, J., Aseyev, V., Kontturi, E., Rosilo, H., Österberg, M., Houbenov, N., and Ikkala, O., Supracolloidal Multivalent Interactions and Wrapping of Dendronized Glycopolymers on Native Cellulose Nanocrystals, Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 866-869 (2014).

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