HSE Support Foundation

HSE Support Foundation and Yrjö Uitto Foundation grants for Spring 2024

Apply now grant from HSE Support Foundation, applying period ends on February 29, 2024
Apply now grant from Yrjö Uitto Foundation, applying period ends on March 12, 2024
Aalto-yliopisto Oppismiskeskus / Tuomas Uusheimo

The HSE Support Foundation Grants, Spring 2024

The HSE Support Foundation concentrates on supporting researchers who do high-quality research and seek to publish their work in high-quality international refereed journals. In assessing the potential of a research plan or conference presentation, emphasis is placed on success achieved by the applicant in publishing in high-quality refereed journals over the last few years (this is not required of students studying for a master’s degree or doctor’s degree).

Change from Autumn 2023:

The quality publication awards The new additional requirement of the quality publication awards is that the authors have done everything that is possible without additional costs to open their article for public use. If the publication does not support free open access, the alternative is "parallel publishing" in Aalto's research database, which most publishers allow. More information and instructions, see https://www.aalto.fi/en/open-science-and-research/open-access-publishing

Travel grants for scholarly conferences 
Travel grants must be applied for according to the actual costs (best estimate) and the grant will be awarded at most for a maximum of €1,200 for Europe and a maximum of €2,000 for the rest of the world.


  • Please fill in the electronic application form and send it with attachments to the HSE Support Foundation through the server by the time the server closes on Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 12 midnight at the latest.
  • Researcher at the Aalto University School of Business: At the time of publication, the researcher has to be employed at least 50% by the School of Business, or the school has to be the main academic affiliation of the researcher and emeritus/emerita researcher.
  • Travel grants: APPLICANTS CAN APPLY FOR FUNDING TO PARTICIPATE IN ONE SCHOLARLY CONFERENCE. They are required to have a conference presentation which is accepted for the conference’s program. Travel grants can be applied only for conferences that take place at a date after the end of the application period.
  • Personal grants are not granted to holders of posts unless they are on leave of absence.
  • Daily allowances are not granted.
  • Electronic letters of reference for applications: Letters of reference are to be submitted electronically. The person providing the reference concerning a grant application should log in to the online service and fill out a form with the relevant information. Link is open until March 10, 2024. 
    Link and for more information see the page ‘Instructions and Applications’.

Statutory social security for grant recipients

Statutory pension, accident and group life insurance premiums for grant recipients (approx. 14% of the amount of the grant) are included in grants for research or study. The legislation applies to such grants when the work involved lasts at least 4 months. More detailed instructions will be sent to grant recipients in letters of acceptance.
For additional information see www.mela.fi. This does not apply to students working for master’s degrees.

Grants available for application by teachers, researchers and other personnel

The HSE Support Foundation General Funds

Research project grants for scientific research projects within business studies and economics. Priority is given to research projects viewed to be of strategic importance for the School of Business and to collaborative research projects involving different subjects.

Research grants for scholarly research and for doctoral theses work.

Emeritus grant (á 7,500 euro/year) for a year: In addition to the standard form, each applicant should provide curriculum vitae (attachment), a letter of recommendation and a commitment statement (electronically) by the head of department. The emeritus professor receiving the grant commits to continue his/her research and/or supervise PhD students as well as execute other activities that have been agreed upon with the head of the department. The department should commit to providing regular working conditions for him/her, e.g. rights to use relevant data bases, email as well as work space (desk). The emeritus grant is only for permanently employed professors. Result of earlier received Emeritus grant should be clarified in the application

Full-time research grant (approx. à 2,170 euro per month, max 26,000 euro) for full-time research aiming at a doctorate at the Aalto University School of Business. Applications must include a detailed research plan including time schedule and cost estimate, curriculum vitae, a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s supervisor, and an explanation from holders of posts regarding arrangements during leaves of absence. Applicants must declare the first year of doctoral studies and all other pending applications (time period and purpose). Applications lacking any of the above information will not be processed.

Travel grants for scholarly conferences Travel grants must be applied for according to the actual costs (best estimate) and the grant will be awarded at most for a maximum of €1,200 for Europe and a maximum of €2,000 for the rest of the world.
Travel grants for scholarly conferences and research visits. APPLICANTS CAN APPLY FOR FUNDING TO PARTICIPATE IN ONE SCHOLARLY CONFERENCE. They are required to have a conference presentation which is accepted for the conference’s program. The acceptance letter from the conference must be included in the grant application or sent at the latest together with the payment form of the possibly awarded grant. Conferences viewed to support the publication of research findings in high-quality journals are given priority. Applicants must declare the first year of doctoral studies and all other pending applications (time period and purpose). Please, let us know in your application also the conference’s web page. Travel grants are awarded only for conferences that take place after the end of the application period. Daily allowances are not granted.

Sabbatical Leave grants are awarded to cover research and travel expenses during the sabbatical leave to persons employed by Aalto University School of Business. The application should contain the plan and the expense estimate of the sabbatical project.

Grants to cover reasonable expenses for language edition of scientific publications. The HSE Support Foundation will provide support only for articles to be included in a doctoral dissertation or high-quality journal (FT50, ABS/AJG 4* and ABS/AJG 4 and JUFO 3). Applications made on the standard form for such support may also be submitted to the HSE Support Foundation outside normal application periods. An account of paid invoices should be appended to the application.

A link to the standard application form can be find on the page of ‘Instructions and Applications’.

Recognition awards for quality publications (à 2,500 euro or à 5,000 euro)

The HSE Support Foundation grants researchers at Aalto University School of Business recognition awards of 2,500 or 5,000 euros for research papers already published in selected high-quality journals either in the form of an official online version or paper version (article or book, not a chapter in a book). These awards are recognition for especially meritorious research work.

The awards can only be given to authors whose home university at the time of publication of the article is Aalto University School of Business and for publications where their affiliation is stated to be Aalto University School of Business.

At the time of publication, the researcher has to be employed at least 50% by the School of Business, or the school has to be the main academic affiliation of the researcher or emeritus/ emerita -researcher. The recognition award is divided evenly among the authors affiliated with the School of Business. The authors receive a personal grant calculated based on their percentage share of the total number of authors of the publication. In addition, if there are co-authors not working at Aalto University School of Business, authors affiliated with the school obtain equal shares of the remaining part of the recognition award as research grants (through their Aalto University School of Business project account and against original expense receipts) to cover future research expenses accrued while working at the school.

If the grant recipient does not do research work as a researcher of Aalto University School of Business, the research grant will not be paid. In case the grant recipient resigns from the school before the last day when the research grant could be raised, the unused part of the research grant reverts to the HSE Support Foundation.

1st category: a grant of 5,000 euros is awarded for a publication in a journal on the FT50 list or on the ABS/AJG 4* list.

The Financial Times, FT50, Link: http://libguides.mcmaster.ca/ft-top50

2nd category: a grant of 2,500 euros is awarded for a publication in a journal on the ABS/AJG 4 list or JUFO 3 (the Finnish Publication Forum) list.

Recognition awards for high quality publications can be applied for by filling in the electronic application form during the official application periods in February and September.

Please note: One application per article, meaning that one person from the research group fills in the application with relevant information for all authors of the article. Applications should include the name(s) of the authors of the article, personal data of researchers at the Aalto University School of Business (name, social security number, degree/tittle, IBAN-BIC -bank account number and home address). The published article should be appended to the application and the link to the article.

The recognition awards are given twice a year, in connection with the grant announcements made in the spring and the autumn.

Recognition awards for patents (euro 2,000 or euro 4,000 per patent)

The HSE Support Foundation grants recognition awards for national or international patents granted to researchers or research groups at the Aalto University School of Business.
a)     the award for an invention granted a national patent is euro 2,000 
b)     the award for an invention granted an international patent, either

European-wide or American, is euro 4,000.

The application procedure for recognition awards concerning patents is the same as for awards for publication in quality journals.

Special funds of the HSE Support Foundation sr

50th Anniversary Fund of the School of Economics, euro 13,500

  • For supporting the development of present and future teachers and researchers at the Aalto University School of Business.
  • For securing the textbooks necessary for degrees to be completed at the Aalto University School of Business.
  • For development of the doctoral and special training deemed necessary at the Aalto University School of Business.
  • For development of the forms and means for applied language and other teaching at the Aalto University School of Business.

In deciding on grants, the developmental goals of various functions of the School of Business are to be taken into account in accordance with the decisions of the Board of the HSE Support Foundation. Grants for teaching are meant to support grant applications that aim at development of teaching and the preparation of new teaching material or at the development of new methods and forms of teaching and testing.
The Pricewaterhouse Coopers Oy Fund, euro 25,000 
Grants in particular for research, teaching or study related to auditing, bookkeeping, and financial statement practice (teachers/students).
The Oy Wärtsilä Ab Jubilee Fund, euro 6,000 
For travel abroad related to study and research by teachers and researchers of the Aalto University School of Business. In addition, departments of the University can propose invitations to foreign lecturers to visit the School of Economics and thus promote internationalization of Finnish companies.
From the donation made by the Foundation of the commercial Counsellor Yrjö Paulow euro 10,000 
to support the research and education of the Finnish foreign trade (teachers/students)
The Chancellor Jaakko Honko Fund, euro 3,500
Grants are made from this fund for the promotion of internationalization by students of the Aalto University School of Business, particularly doctoral students, and for business research and studies and arranging seminars (teachers/students)
The Oy Stockmann Ab Jubilee Fund, euro 2,000
Personal grants to students of the Aalto University School of Business or to researchers working at the school, including students studying for master’s degrees and preparing master’s theses, for the promotion of business research primarily in the retail trade sector (teachers/students)
The Professor Henrik Virkkunen Memorial Fund, euro 2,000
Personal grants are made to students of the Aalto University School of Business or to researchers working at the school, including students studying for master’s degrees and preparing master’s theses. The grants are to promote quantitative research in business economics (teachers/students).
O G.W. Sohlberg Ab Fund, euro 2,000 
Grants for research and study in disciplines represented at the Aalto University School of Business, also for those pursuing a master’s degree in business or a related degree, especially on topics of importance for the metal, plastics, and wood industries (teachers/students)
Arthur Andersen & Co Fund, euro 1,200 
Grants for research and study dealing with auditing and accounting, and law, particularly tax law

Grants available for applications by students

The special funds of the HSE Support Foundation
The following grants are available from the scholarship funds of the HSE Foundation, mainly for application by doctoral students at the School of Business:

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy Fund, euro 25,000 
From the donation made by the Foundation of the commercial Counsellor Yrjö Paulow euro 10,000 euro to support the research and education of the Finnish foreign trade (teachers/students)
The Chancellor Jaakko Honko Fund, euro 3,500  
The Oy Stockmann Ab Jubilee Fund, euro 2,000 
Professor Henrik Virkkunen Memorial Fund, euro 2,000 
Oy G.W. Sohlberg Ab fund, euro 2,000 
Arthur Andersen & Co Fund, euro 1,200 
Anniversary fund, euro 7,000 
From the donations made by Board Chairman Peder Biese, in honor of his 60th birthday, for master’s theses dealing with internationalization and accounting
Eeva and Matti Virkkunen Fund, euro 500
Kauppatieteiden Kandidaattiyhdistys ry Fund, euro 500
(Association of Bachelors of Sciences)


Grants to donor-specified fields of research from funds donated to the HSE Support Foundation for support of theses and dissertations are announced separately by the various subjects. Applications for such grants can be submitted on an application form available at the office of the HSE Support Foundation (not by electronic form at web-site). There are no specific periods for application.

Application forms are available at the office of the HSE Support Foundation

Ekonominaukio 1, 02150 Espoo (1st floor, room X110)

For more information please contact Tuula Murremäki, office manager at the HSE Support Foundation, telephone: +358 50 373 2241, e-mail: [email protected]


Grants will be announced by yes/no -email and websites of the HSE Support Foundation in late November. Letters including instructions will be sent to recipients of grants. 

Espoo, February 7, 2024
HSE Support Foundation sr


Yrjö Uitto Foundation sr 

The Yrjö Uitto foundation has allocated 50,000 euro for grants during the Spring of 2024 for research and teaching in business economics regarding private enterprise and for projects supporting the conditions required for academic entrepreneurship. The purpose of these grants is to support doctoral studies in economics at the Aalto University and doctoral students, who are working on entrepreneurship related dissertation projects. In addition, it is possible to get a grant for long term entrepreneurship research projects. Grant is also available to get for Aalto University students, whom are working on entrepreneurship related master’s thesis. 

Please send a free-form application containing a detailed research plan, schedule, cost estimate, curriculum vitae and a statement from the supervisor and which mentions any other funding obtained or applied for, by Tuesday, March 12, 2024 to the office of The HSE Support Foundation at the following address: P.O. Box 21210, 00076 AALTO.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that his or her application with appendices reaches the HSE Support Foundation Office by Tuesday, March 12, 2024. The envelope should be marked: “Uitto”.

NB: You may bring your application to the Information desk of the Aalto School of Business main building at Ekonominaukio 1, on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 8.00 pm at the latest.

For additional information contact Tuula Murremäki, tel. +358 50 373 2241,
e-mail: [email protected]

Helsinki, February 7, 2024
Yrjö Uitto Foundation sr

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