Give for the future

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

The School of Arts, Design and Architecture at Aalto University is one of the most internationally renowned universities of art, design and architecture in the world. When art and science come together with technology and business, new levels of knowledge and cooperative projects can come to fruition.
Ioncell Chemarts Photo: Eeva Suorlahti

The world around is changing more rapidly than ever before. We find ourselves in the middle of sustainability crisis, technological change and revolutions of work. Never before has human kind encountered as fundamental challenges as climate change, plastic pollution or single use fashion.

With these changes, there is a risk that the most important can be forgotten. We feel lost and empty in front of faceless economy. Money defines our decision making even when more sustainable values such as humanity or planetary boundaries should be guiding the choices we make. To solve these challenges we need more than innovations. We need radical creativity.

We need new ways to see and change the world through creativity. Whether it is user centric design, new biomaterials, art, urban design, or health and well-being architecture, we challenge the decision makers to choose more wisely. We train the experts to challenge the norms and who are cabable to see the world as it could be. You can support this task with a donation.

Aalto innovations present at Flow Festival, photo by Samuli Pentti

Donate now

By donating to the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, you can help build a world where the great challenges of humanity can be solved by radical creativity.

With your gift:

  • You support new ways of thinking and sustainable solutions that can be seen as quality in living environment, products and services.
  • We educate experts who design the world at its best.
  • We create understanding and alternatives, which help companies and decision makers to make sustainable and ethical decisions.

We aim for no less than a sustainable life worth living. A well-being society, which acknowledges our planetary boundaries and sparks curiosity, diversity, inclusion and creativity. A society, which has been built to respect and protect the people and the environment. A stress free world, where everyone can express themselves in the ways they prefer. A world where human kind reaches its fullest potential.

Donate today and help us to build a world where we solve the greatest challenges of human kind with the help of radical creativity.

If you wish to donate 10 000 euros or more, please get in touch with our donor engagement team who will help prepare your deed of donation.

Contact details can be found here.

Tuomas Auvinen

Tuomas Auvinen: Radical creativity as culture

Creativity is experimenting, and therefore a valuable skill for us all to master in a constantly changing and complex world. Radical creativity does not appear overnight, but we can build capabilities for it, says Dean Tuomas Auvinen.

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