Give for the future

Invest into a clean future

Join us in creating a more sustainable life and contribute towards tackling some of the biggest challenges of our time. Make a difference already today by donating to science.
Lahjoita yliopistolle, sijoita tulevaisuuteen

Sustainable future - Giving Tuesday

Sustainable life requires multidisciplinary approach and horizontal action plans; it requires universities and their multifaceted expertise.

Advancements, however, don't happen on their own. We need to work for them. At the end of November, on the 29th, we celebrate an international Giving Tuesday. The day reminds us all to act within our capabilities and to contribute in making the world a better place for all of us.

We need innovations and specialists willing to challenge the existing condition. By donating to science you're a part of the many solutions in making the world more energy efficient and cleaner for the future generations. 

The students of today are the professionals of tomorrow. Join in supporting the education of future authorities of circular economy, for example. 

Why donate to a university?

Did you know that only about 60 % of Aalto University's expenses are covered by the Ministry of Education's annual budget? The remaining funds are collected from other sources. Donations are used to support the education of the young future experts and to fund experimental innovation and long-term research work. We need to react now to the skills shortage of tomorrow, and to ensure our young professionals have the tools to succeed. At the same time we enhance Finland's competitiveness in the global markets. Research and education need your support more than ever.

Universities' role in a society is to educate and carry out research. It is people themselves who make decisions, but we at Aalto want to be part of the societal conversation, act as positive agents and generate better, more sustainable options for the global battery technology industry. Political resolutions are made elsewhere, but at Aalto we make advancements in science, art and design and technology so that policymakers – both in politics and in business – can make better choices.

A donation to Aalto University is an investment into a more sustainable future

Sustainable battery industry is still just an objective rather than reality, but we are working towards that actuality. The new, sustainable normal requires long-term research and commitment. This is the work that needs your support. If investing in the education of tomorrow's professionals and in ensuring innovation research, resonate with you, donate.

Aalto University A logo in nature

Aalto University

Together we can solve some of the toughest problems of our time.

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Lahjoita yliopistolle, sijoita tulevaisuuteen

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