Give for the future

Donate to the School of Science

Imagine if you could ski on just a light dusting of snow, or if new swallowable surgical technology were developed from the way a brine shrimp swims. Might it be possible to control devices by thought alone? What if online meetings and encounters could feel like you were physically present? Join the support teams at the frontiers of science for a sustainable future!
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu
Donating to the School of Science sharpens Finland’s competitive edge by making new research-based innovations a reality.

The School of Science educates professionals at the boundaries and interfaces of science, technology, the economy and society. Our multidisciplinary thinking students and researchers are expanding the frontiers of science, testing their theories and ideas without predispositions. 

By combining the core sciences, the school conducts research and development work with long-range effects for a better society in fields such as quantum physics, nano-optics, sustainable energy systems and technology-based business activities. 

For the well-being of society, science and education are cornerstones that we cannot afford to skimp on. New talent and innovation will be needed in the future to find solutions for societal problems such as global sustainability and population aging.  

Less than 60% of Aalto University’s costs are covered by the budget of Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture. The rest comes from other sources, including private donors. That’s why donations of all sizes are particularly important. 

Donate to the School of Science and be a part of building solutions for a sustainable future!

A lady adjusts a dial on a large steel reactor

Medical technology

Combining systemic and cognitive neuroscience with biophysics and medical technology is not the simplest task in the world. It is all the more important then that such work be accomplished, for the sake of all of us who have suffered an illness or injury, either our own or that of a loved one. 

You don’t need to understand DNA nanotechnology, proprioception, or the spatiotemporal progression of neural networks into postsynaptic neural fluid in order to understand the need to develop medical technology. 

If research into subjects such as memory, neuroimaging, mind and body functions, acuity, rehabilitation or dental disease and pain sound like worthwhile areas for development, then you may find the School of Science to be a kind of kindred spirit, a home away from home. 

Politiikkasuositus Kuinka alustataloutta voidaan edistää terveysalalla. Image is an abstract taken from an exhibition Crystal Flowers at Aalto University.

Human technology

In isolation, technology has little practical value. It is only when human beings enter the picture, along with their goals of achieving something through the use of a device, that the technology becomes beneficial. 

Whether the matter concerns AI or any other technology, the biases, preconceptions and expectations – conscious and not – of the inventors are a part of the invention. Therefore, understanding the physical and psychosocial behaviour of the human users, their cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds as well as the technical operating environment, are part of the inclusive development of the technology.

We will continue to need inquisitive, thinking people to develop technology in a way that brings people together rather than divides them. 

We need School of Science talent and expertise. 

Looking forward

For the grand challenges facing humanity, we need specialists who can see the big picture, who do not settle for the given options, but instead actively move their own pursuits and disciplines forward.

Donate and be part of ensuring that we shall continue to have experts and specialists in the future in applied physics, computer science, industrial engineering and management, mathematics and system analysis, as well as neuroscience and medical technology.

By donating to the School of Science, you are  

  1. Supporting world-class, basic research
  2. Honing Finland’s competitive edge by enabling new research-based innovation
  3. Helping to make education possible for those who will be able to rise to meet the grand challenges facing society.

With the tightening of public funding, this is no simple task. We cannot afford to cut back on science and research. That is why your donation for ensuring the high quality of education and research is more vital than ever.

The school of science student working in a lab

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School of Science expands the boundaries of science. By donating you can help create new knowledge and deepen the scientific understanding.

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Considering a larger donation to the School of Science?

If you are considering giving 10 000 euros or more, please get in touch with one of the persons in charge of the School of Science’s fundraising, either Nora Rahnasto (private donations) or Simo Kohonen (organisational donations).

 Nora Rahnasto

Nora Rahnasto

Donor Engagement
 Simo Kohonen

Simo Kohonen

Donor Engagement

Inspirational examples of work that changes the world

To succeed, this project will pull together skills and expertise from many fields. Pantelis Lioumis (from left), Matilda Makkonen, Ana Maria Soto and Tuomas Mutanen demonstrating the use of the new TMS device. Photo: Mikko Raskinen.

Researchers at Aalto develop a new technology to let immobilized patients control devices with their brain

A new project at Aalto University is developing techniques that will enable immobilized patients to control devices using their brain activity. The project builds on the multi-locus transcranial magnetic stimulation (mTMS) technology developed at Aalto, adapting it into a brain–computer interface (BCI) that can help patients with neurological conditions.

X-ray of hand with fingers making OK sign

AI is transforming healthcare: 5 things to know

Regulation, validation and trust are key when AI is used in medical services, say FCAI and Aalto University experts.

Briwsing clutter

One in four internet users are overwhelmed by the clutter in their browser

Study reveals that some coping strategies only make the problem worse

The drumheads exhibit a collective quantum motion. Picture: Juha Juvonen.

Aalto researchers awarded Physics World Breakthrough of the Year for macroscopic quantum entanglement

Aalto University Professor Mika A. Sillanpää, his team and collaborators at the University of New South Wales in Canberra, Australia, have won the Physics World 2021 Breakthrough of the Year. The prize was awarded for establishing quantum entanglement between a pair of macroscopic drumheads – two mechanical resonators that were tiny but still much larger than the subatomic particles that are usually entangled. The award has previously been given for the first direct observation of a black hole and for the detection of gravitational waves, which also received a Nobel Prize.

Niina Nurmi. Photo: Mikko Raskinen.

Niina Nurmi is tackling Zoom fatigue and hybrid work in her research

The new assistant professor of management is especially interested in the future of work and the management of virtual work, employee engagement and well-being.

Johanna Ylipulli standing on a bridge

Designing sustainable societies through trust

A broad understanding of digital technologies is of utmost importance in the information era. How do we make sure that humans stay in the loop in a socially sustainable way as societies become ever more digitalised?

A blue circle representing an Alice ring.

Quantum discovery offers glimpse into other-worldly realm

Experiments promote a curious flipside of decaying monopoles: a reality where particle physics is quite literally turned on its head

Assistant Professor Matilda Backholm looks at shrimp via a screen connected to a microscope.

Tiny organisms, big discoveries: How swarming shrimp could influence a new wave of ‘mesorobotics’

Aalto researcher aims to understand the complex movement of brine shrimp—a gateway to physics on an unfamiliar scale

Shaking up Tech Tampere. Kuva: Jonne Renvall.

Shaking up Tech (external link)

Through the Shaking up Tech event, Aalto University’s schools of technology want to offer young women – who will soon be facing study and career choices – a new understanding of technology.

What does the School of Science do?

The School of Science produces graduates who are responsible, multidisciplinary specialists and tomorrow’s leaders and visonaries. 

The school’s five departments educate professionals in: Applied Physics; Computer Science; Industrial Engineering and Management; Mathematics and Systems Analysis; and Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering.

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