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100,000 alumni in more than 80 countries

Aalto University offers alumni diverse opportunities for lifewide learning and networking.
Kuvassa punaiset ja siniset haalarit ja wappurekvisiittaa.

Aalto University offers alumni diverse opportunities for lifewide learning and networking:

Kasvokuva Hanna Porasesta, joka katsoo hymyillen kameraan.
Hanna Poranen, Master of Arts and Economics 2015, Strategic and Business Designer, Design Company Inventas / Oslo

‘Aalto University has provided a great growth platform for developing into a multidisciplinary expert. The further I have progressed in my career and the more interdisciplinary my job description has become, the more important the lessons learned at Aalto have become,’ says Aalto's alumna, Master of Arts and Economics, Hanna Poranen.

‘The ability to hold discussions and work with professionals in different fields has been crucial. Aalto has given me lifelong friends, a professional support network and the resources to work in the international market. I hope that new members of the Aalto community will also get all of this.’

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