Garden for decaying trees

The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, together with the University of Helsinki and Aalto University’s Department of Landscape Architecture, organised a ‘Garden for Decaying Trees’ design competition for students. The results were announced 14/11/2013. The winners were Sofia Tigerstedt and Kimmo Heikkinen for their work ‘Ring of Decay’.
Aalto University / Lahopuutarha / Image Meeri Karvinen

The winning work was realised in the summer of 2014 on the campus of Aalto University, and another garden for decaying trees to intended to be implemented in Viikki, a park belonging to the City of Helsinki, in the University of Helsinki campus area.   This way the growth of the parks can be monitored simultaneously at both universities. This promotes in its own way the mutual operations and dynamic spirit of these universities. In the design of public outdoor areas, our present epoch also favours non-designed, natural places, which could be adjacent to the existing walking routes in the area.

The Garden for Decaying Trees is a small area alongside Otaniemi's shore route (behind Maarintalo House at the end of the Konemiehentie and Sähkömiehentie roads), where decaying tree trunks can be found, either standing or lying on the ground.  The fence surrounding the area is made of brushwood obtained from trees on campus. No special maintenance is required for this garden.

The jury assessing the entries for the Garden for Decaying Trees competition consisted of:   Prof. Jyrki Sinkkilä (Aalto University), Kati Vierikko, Ph.D, and Prof. Jari Niemelä (University of  Helsinki), Risto Sulkava, Ph.D (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation), Conservation Advisor Tuuli Ylikotila (City of Helsinki, Public Works Department) and head of unit Lauri Saaristo (Forestry Development Centre TAPIO).

All entries and the jury's assessments and comments can be found online at: The Garden for Decaying Trees project was funded by the Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation.

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