Foundation for Aalto University Science and Technology

Grants from the Foundation's own funds

Grants from the foundation's own funds for doctoral students and for research visits are normally awarded once each spring. Doctoral students in Aalto University's CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI schools are eligible to apply, as well as doctoral students in Department of Architecture at ARTS. The call text and electronic application form are found in this page.
Aalto University / School of Engineering / Mechatronics

Foundation for Aalto University Science and Technology is supporting doctoral students via its Celebratory Gifts’ Fund, Jubilee Fund, and the funds of Harri Hintikka, Matti Ilmari, Kalevi Numminen, Pentti Talonen, Paavo Uronen and Insinöörien rouvat ry. Grants from the foundation's own funds for doctoral students are normally awarded once each spring. The deadline for applications is 4 March 2024. The grants are meant for those pursuing their doctoral degree in Aalto University, and the call is open for all fields for technology. The application consists of a filled-in electronic form and its required electronic attachments. Please see below for the Call for applications (pdf) and the electronic forms. The decisions are made until the end of May, and the grant recipients are then contacted. The other applicants are not informed in person.

When the call is open, the electronic application form is found here: Please note you first need to register as a user of the web service. After that you can choose whether you apply for a living expense grant or a research visit grant. If you wish to apply for both, then please fill in two separate application forms.

Please see here for information on the pension insurance of grant recipients (not applicable to M.Sc. students)

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