For alumni

The future of work is made of continuous learning

Career Design Lab offers many opportunities for our alumni to learn in workshops, courses and by volunteering. Morover, Aalto University offers a wide range of courses, programs and events to help you stay up-to-date on the latest discoveries and knowledge.

In addition to career design workshops, we offer online courses and opprtunities for learning by doing.

Future of Work  

Future of work is an online course platform offering career skills courses that earn you university credits. Currently you can take the following courses:

Volunteer & learn!

As an alumni volunteer, you'll be an active member of our alumni network – on your terms. You will have rich opportunities for learning something new and deepening your knowledge while also doing meaningful work by contributing your valuable skills to our community.

Learn more about Aalto alumni volunteering

Two people standing and laughing in a lecture hall

Lifewide learning in Aalto

Welcome to the path of lifewide learning! A leap into the unforeseen takes courage, but at Aalto University, you are not alone. We will guide you and help you recognise your learning needs to ensure that you always have the skills that set you a step ahead.

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Career Design for Alumni
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