For alumni

Alumni benefits

As Aalto University alumni, you will have the opportunity to network and influence and receive various benefits. Read more below!
People at the Learning Centre.

What we provide for Aalto University alumni:

  • Possibility to network with Aalto alumni in Aalto University Alumni Community LinkedIn group
  • The opportunity to create an alumni email address and mail box via this page[email protected]
  • Networking opportunities with influential actors, experts and students both within and outside your professional field
  • Invitations to Aalto University and alumni network events
  • Aalto University Magazine (you can order it on this page)
  • Aalto Waves alumni newsletter, Feel the Future career design newsletter and possible school-specific alumni newsletters (such as School of Business Alumni Newsletter). When you register as an alumni, you will automatically receive the alumni newsletters in the email address you provided. You can always cancel the newsletters later if you wish.
  • Information on research results and current affairs at Aalto University
  • Courses and programs to answer all learning needs. Get to know Aalto's lifewide learning opportunities (such as microcredentials, courses, continuing education and postgraduate education opportunities)
  • The opportunity to participate in the development of the university and provide support to students through mentoring  
  • Aalto University Lifewide Learning courses with alumni discount: Access - Aalto EE 
  • In addition, Aalto University, our alumni colleagues and partners provide Aalto alumni with various changing benefits (see them below)

Unisport discount for alumni:

  • UniSport is the common sports and wellbeing service organisation funded jointly by Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, University of Helsinki and Uniarts Helsinki. UniSport features five sports centres in Helsinki and Espoo and provides gym services as well as over 200 weekly group exercise classes (including Bodypump®, kettlebell and yoga classes), and various sports courses. UniSports also offers ball sport sessions, personal training services and massage services.
  • Two years after graduation from Aalto University: A season card at a Freshmen Alumni price.
  • Other services at preferred customer price.
  • Two years or more from graduation and former exchange students: A season card and other services at preferred customer price.
  • How do I get the discount: You get the discount by showing a copy/picture of your degree certificate and showing your personal identification card. 
  • With the season card you can take part in group training, ball sports and gym in all the UniSport centers (Otaniemi, Helsinki City Centre, Töölö, Meilahti, and Kumpula). Season card can be bought for 1, 4 or 12 months.
  • Read more:

Book a premise for your alumni association or network at Aalto University:

  • Alumni associations, clubs and networks within Aalto community can book premises for your alumni meetings or events once a year at the cost covered by alumni relations.
  • More information and booking: [email protected]

Aalto University library card:

  • Any Learning Centre service point can issue an Aalto University library card. To qualify for a library card you will need to present an official personal identification document and you must have a postal address in Finland. An online application form sent in advance makes the process faster and more reliable, you can find the application form here
  • With the library card you can borrow books and other library material from the service points of the Learning Centre.

For alumni
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