
Unite! international PhD workshop on renewable biotechnology

The first one of the planned workshop series will be organised by the Doctoral School of Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology, from February 7-9, 2024 at TU Graz (Austria), where participants will have the opportunity to present their thesis topic or research to others and discuss new ideas and insights.
Biotechnology laboratory

The first PhD workshop on renewable biotechnology envisions to seed a regular joint training event of the Unite! PhD schools on Renewable Biotechnology, a field that is represented in all the nine Unite! partner universities and is expected to make a significant contribution to sustainability. 
The first one of the planned series will be organized by the Doctoral School of Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology, from February 7-9, 2024 at TU Graz (Austria), where participants will have the opportunity to present their thesis topic or research to others and discuss new ideas and insights. 

Who is it for? 

TU Graz is delighted to invite researchers, PhD students and master students from all Unite! Partner Universities, including Aalto University, to join and submit their abstracts until December 15, 2023.   

This could be a short talk about your latest research, master thesis or experiences with new methods and ideas, as well as short online discussions in topics of relevance to the workshop theme.    

What is it about? 

The event will provide a platform for inspiring discussions and scientific exchange based on the field of renewable biotechnology.  

The workshop will be focused on the following topics: 

• Carbon dioxide as resource for biotechnology 
• Smart utilization of biomass as starting material 
• New biocatalysts and biotransformation 
• Machine-learning driven enzyme engineering 
Additionally, on February 9, 2024 the participants can join a special workshop on science visualization with the renowned coach Verena Resch from Luminous Lab . 

Submit your abstract by 15 Dec

PhD students and master students from all Unite! Partner Universities are invited to submit abstracts for their participation until December 15, 2023 via [email protected]
For expenses related with mobility activity, Aalto staff may apply for support from the Erasmus+ programme at their home institution. See Erasmus+ mobility for staff  

Unite! University Alliance

Aalto University is a member of Unite! alliance together with eight other European universities.

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