
Quantum Explorations

#QuEx showcases some of the world-leading research and technology development taking place on campus.
The details avaiable on the page in a picture with a colourful cartoon of an antropomorphic qubit

Quantum Explorations is a playful exhibition taking place in Dipoli gallery between the 16th October and 15th November 2019. It opens windows into the current state of quantum technologies. It explains some underlying key concepts and history of the field, and showcases globally-leading research and technology development taking place at the Otaniemi campus.

At the QuEx exhibition, we showcase several interesting samples, demonstrations, tools, videos, artistic installations, games, and even open-source quantum computing framework – all directly related to the fundamental research of the exhibiting parties. QuEx presents an overview of a quantum technologies from theoretical concepts to commercial products in an approachable way. Part of the items, such as the quantum inspired games provide hands on experience for visitors of all ages.

QuEx exhibition is funded by Aalto Centre for Quantum Engineering and Dipoli Gallery, and put together by Aalto University and University of Turku. Other organisations behind the exhibits are VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Bluefors, IQM and IBM.

The exhibition is open during Dipoli opening hours (Mon–Thu 7:45–20:00, Fri 7:45-18:00, Sat 10:30–15:00). The game room is open during Wed-Fri 12:00–16:00. Large groups are recommended to contact the Exhibition coordinator Noora Heiskanen beforehand, [email protected].

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