
Public defence in Measurement Science and Technology, M.Sc. Dmitri Lanevski

Measurement, reporting and applications of bidirectional reflectance distribution function
Cover page of the Dmitri Lanevski's PhD thesis regarding measurement, reporting and applications of bidirectional reflectance distribution function.

M.Sc. Dmitri Lanevski will defend the thesis "Measurement, reporting and applications of bidirectional reflectance distribution function" on 11 November 2022 at 12 (EET) in Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, in lecture hall AS1, Maarintie 8, Espoo, and online in Zoom.

Opponent: Dr. Heather Patrick, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Custos: Prof. Erkki Ikonen, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics

The public defence will be organized via remote technology. Follow defence:
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Thesis available for public display at:
Doctoral theses in the School of Electrical Engineering:

Public defence announcement:

The thesis addresses the issues of measurement, reporting and applications of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) from the point of view of modern problems and corresponding solutions.

The first part of the work considers the development of the new 3D gonioreflectometer aimed to overcome the limits of Aalto University's existing instrument by enabling out-of-plane SI-traceable BRDF measurements and allowing horizontal sample alignment needed to study reflective properties of loose samples like soil or sand.

The second part focuses on reporting of BRDF data and proposes a solution for BRDF data nonconformity and compatibility problems in the form of thoroughly documented universal Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) BRDF file format. The uptake of the presented BRDF data format is facilitated by introduction of an open-source software build around it. The software serves as an interface between the user and JSON schema validator as well as allows to visualize and compare BRDF data stored in files.

The third part considers application of BRDF for material characterization. The developed new gonioreflectometer is used to characterize BRDF of the loose ground sample collected from RadCalNet Gobabeb test site used for vicarious sensor calibration of Earth observation satellites. The peculiarities of the ground sample as well as its preparation procedures are explained. A data synthesis method for combination of BRDF data of various ground sample fractions is introduced. The results on Gobabeb ground sample BRDF from laboratory characterizations are presented, analysed and compared with in-situ measurements.

The last part of the thesis demonstrates the application of BRDF for functional material design. It introduces a new method to develop reflectance reference samples with the BRDF similar to the BRDF of crumpled reflective insulation material samples. The method based on microfacet model is thoroughly described and tested using physics-based Monte-Carlo simulations.

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