Online writing workshop with John Weston, 29.04.2020
Working together online can feel good! It can be authentic, nourishing, and uplifting — and it’s also a really effective way of developing your writing. The workshop designed for Aalto University doctoral students who are enrolled in the 2019-2020 academic year.
This workshop is designed as a full-day event, so students should ideally attend from start to finish. Students are also welcome to drop in and out for different sessions if it’s not possible to attend the whole day — please see the schedule below.
Together we develop a high-level (general audience) summary of an aspect of your research;
We write alone (2 x 75 minutes) and in pairs (1 x 75 minutes);
We talk about writing and working online, both in pairs and in small groups;
We use different online devices and you move your physical location to avoid sitting for too long;
You're welcome to give your feedback throughout the day so that the sessions can be tailored for you;
At the end of the day, we identify concrete steps for developing your writing after the workshop.
09:00-09:30 Coffee
Upon joining the Zoom meeting, you will be put into a small group. Make/have a coffee while on webcam/mobile. This is part of the writing retreat – do not skip it! Stand up for this part if you can!
09:30-10:00 Welcome
Introductory talk.
10:00-11:15 Writing Session 1: Multidisciplinary co-writing
Pair work in break-out rooms.
11:15-12:00 Lunch
Get up! Eat! Be alone. Be together. Be online or offline. Take a nap.
12:00-12:45 Seminar 1: A crash course in academic writing
Enter your questions in the Zoom chat window.
12:45-13:00 Coffee break
Go and do your thing.
13:00-14:15 Writing Session 2
Individual work.
14:15-14:45 Fresh air
Take a device outside, or to a balcony, or near an open window. Small groups in break-out rooms. Webcam/mobile. This is part of the writing retreat – do not skip it! Stand up for this part if you can!
14:45-15:00 Check-in
Brief, whole-group meeting.
15:00-16:15 Writing Session 3
Individual work.
16:15-17:00 Seminar 2: Where next?
Closing discussion about writing resources and next steps.
How to prepare
To take part in the online writing workshop, you will need:
- a desktop device / laptop / tablet on which you can comfortably write and with Zoom installed;
- two or more locations in your home where you can use video calling, e.g., a dining table or office area; a kitchen counter or breakfast area; a lounge, balcony or garden;
- a mobile device, e.g., a tablet or mobile phone with Zoom installed;
- something to write about—this could be your doctoral research at whatever stage; a conference abstract or research proposal; an artist’s statement or personal biography; or something else;
- personal accounts on some social media: Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, Wordpress, LinkedIn, others…
Workshop tutor and host John Weston
John is a University Teacher of English at the Aalto Language Centre. John has a Ph.D. in the sociolinguistics of academic discourse, and he continues to research the use of English across the arts, humanities, and sciences. John is also qualified as a physics teacher in the UK and is interested in the popularization of science. In addition to coaching technical and artistic students in academic writing at Aalto, John is currently developing new online teaching methods, and researching the use of creative writing and speaking for academic purposes. He produces interview podcasts for the New Books Network and is currently developing a new series about life and work in academia.
Twitter: @johnwphd