
Nubia:No More

As a part of the Designs for a Cooler Planet event, the Nubia: No More exhibition opens a discussion on Nubian vernacular architecture while comparing it to the modern-day use of earthen architecture, explaining the phenomena of abandoning vernacular architectural practices, and finally elaborating the destructive outcome of High Aswan Dam. Displacement is a traumatic experience that happened to Nubian communities, but it is still occurring worldwide to numerous other communities, and it is essential to understand the repercussion such actions have in the long term.

This research project is a collaboration between Aalto University and the University of Helsinki - the “Building Identities in Border Areas: Cultures, Narratives and Architecture” is a pilot project focusing on Nubian heritage funded by the Future Fund, University of Helsinki.

See you there!
Image that illustrates Nubia disappearing under water
An illustration of Nubia in Egypt disappearing under the waters of the reservoir created by the construction of High Aswan Dam Image:Cansu Pylkkänen

The event is a part of Helsinki Design Week’s official festival programme and Year of Research-Based Knowledge. Aalto University is one of the EU's New European Bauhaus partners. 

#ACoolerPlanet #HelsinkiDesignWeek #NewEuropeanBauhaus #tttv21

Designs for a Cooler Planet 2021

Infinite materials theme visual

Infinite Materials

We need to radically cut our consumption of materials and energy by creating materials that are not just renewable but forever reusable.

Resource Wisdom - Designs for a Cooler Planet 2021

Helsinki Design Week 2021 has landed in Otaniemi, showcasing three paths to resource wisdom

Radical ideas and prototypes contributing to a resource-wise future. The exhibitions and online lectures are open to everyone, and they belong to the official Helsinki Design Week programme.

Better to Wear exhibition visual

Better to Wear

We get dressed each and every day: clothes protect us and help us express ourselves. We can dress better when we re-design the whole textile process from manufacturing to use to recycling.

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