
MAGICS Community Event

Ever wondered what all you could do in virtual, augmented, and mixed reality? How to measure and observe how people respond and interact in virtual and naturalistic contexts? Is it possible to meet virtually, to see, hear, touch and smell, as if the other people were in the same space with you? 

In October 2021, we launched a series of events for the MAGICS-Aalto community. The seventh monthly event takes place in the Odeion theatre, Maarintie 8, Espoo, on 5 May at 16:00–18:00. 

Our purpose is to bring together people from different backgrounds and inspire new encounters and new ideas through high-level speakers and performers, as well as possibility for open and free discussion. 


16:00 Welcome and introductions
Mikko Sams, Professor of Neuroscience, Brain and Mind Laboratory Director of MAGICS, Aalto University 

16:10 Interaction and Communication During Musical Performances
Luciano Fadiga, University of Ferrara & Italian Institute of Technology, Italy

17:00 Discussion

17:30 Refreshments

Photo of Luciano Fadiga

Luciano Fadiga, physician and neurophysiologist, is professor of Physiology at the University of Ferrara and director of the Center for Translational Neurophysiology of the Italian Institute of Technology. After his discovery of mirror neurons in macaques and humans, he has devoted his scientific activity to the neurophysiological study of verbal and non-verbal sensorimotor interactions. More recently, he has started new researches on the interaction between conductor and musicians and between orchestra and audience during musical performance.

Mikko Sams

Mikko Sams is a professor of cognitive neuroscience in Aalto University and academic leader of MAGICS-Aalto and coordinator of the MAGICS infrastructure. He has studied neural mechanisms of human cognitive functions, from sensory processing to complex cognitive functions and experiences. In his research, he is focusing on the measurement of human experiences under naturalistic conditions and developing this research field in MAGICS-Aalto.

For more information:
[email protected] 

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MAGICS – Media – Arts – Games – Interaction – Computing – Science

MAGICS is an infrastructure network to support research into motion recording, and virtual environments. It is a joint effort of Aalto University, Tampere University and the University of the Arts Helsinki.

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MAGICS-infrastruktuuri mahdollistaa virtuaalitodellisuuden hyödyntämisen muun muassa taiteellisissa esityksissä. Kuva: Aalto Studios.

Aalto Networking Platform

The Aalto Networking Platform brings together research expertise across departments, supporting collaboration both inside and outside of Aalto.

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