
For thesis-writing: Theses & Tomatoes on Mondays

Are you feeling stuck with your thesis? Or are you just finding it hard to get into a good writing routine? Maybe you are unsure of what the next step should be or how to get started on a new chapter? Do you feel lonely in your thesis work? Would you like to work in a shared space with others in the same situation?
Student Guide, tapahtumakuva

What: co-writing event 

When: Mondays at 10-11:30 from 30.1.2023 every second week onwards (30.1, 13.2, 27.2,13.3, 27.3. Times after Easter TBA) 

Where: Zoom, link: 

(Meeting ID: 651 9905 1815) 

For whom: students completing their theses or research articles at Aalto University (Bachelor, Master, doctoral) 

Join a co-writing space, which will be organized every second Monday at 10-11:30 in Zoom.  

The aim of this co-writing space is to provide opportunities for you to work independently on your thesis and on self-specified goals alongside others in the same situation, creating a shared experience. 

No enrolment is needed, just join Zoom and get your thesis moving. The seminar is intended for students at Aalto University completing their thesis work. 

We will start each Monday at 10 sharp with a short 15-30 minute introduction to or discussion on different topics (e.g., goal-setting, time-management, academic writing). This part is led by the host or invited guests. Next, you will get to set your own goal and share it with others, if you want. After that, it’s time for two 25-30-minute Pomodoros with a break in between. During the break, you can ask questions or we can all do break exercises together. The event ends with a “tip-of-the-day”. 

These Aalto co-writing events were originally initiated by the Aalto study and career counselling psychologists (and Starting Point of Wellbeing). In the winter-spring of 2023 it is lead by the Language Centre, Dr. Signe-Anita Lindgrén (

The language of instruction is English but you are welcome to ask questions also in Finnish and Swedish. Joining the discussions and sharing one’s goals are completely voluntarily – if you just wish to join to work only, that is also fine. 

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