
Designer's Destiny Seminar

Welcome to the Designer’s Destiny Seminar organized in honor of retiring professor in Department of Design of Aalto University, Eero Miettinen.
Eero Miettinen

What is the destiny of a designer? And in what directions can life lead the designer?

We have invited five of his previous students to share their stories and knowledge. Through casual conversation, Eero and these five successful designers will talk about their journey to the top of their personal mountain and also answer questions from the audience.

Speakers: Katja Battarbee, Katja Soini, Antti Kujala, Pata Degerman and Sauli Suomela.

Event is free but we would like you to register via this link before 10.1.2020.


16.00 – 17.30 The seminar
17.30 – 19.00 Mingling and refreshment

Snacks and refreshments from Kipsari.

Venue: Kipsari, Väre, Otaniementie 14, 02150 Espoo


Doctor of Arts, distinguished international researcher both in academia and industry i.e. UIAH, IDEO, Intuit. Currently with Apple. ”Over the arc of my work, I have focused at the intersection of technology, services and people, often around health. I am most excited about the intersection of consumer and patient health, designing for behavior change and helping to align design with successful outcomes for all stakeholders.”

Doctor of Arts, Katja has successfully applied service- and user centric design in the real estate and construction field. Design Director at Vahanen Group. ”I have applied analytical and creative design methods for better housing and facilities for fifteen years, in collaboration with leading housing, construction and engineering companies, local communities, and public actors such as cities, politicians, and parties responsible of public guidance.”

Head of UX & Design at Amer Sports Digital, Antti is among the most experienced corporate design directors in Finland. Leading design, user experience and digital transformation for global consumer brands. Strong brand, commercial and strategic insight. A recognized people leader. A change agent who gets initiatives started and also executed at Nokia, Suunto and Amer.

Patrick “Pata” Degerman is most likely the only person in Finland who can call himself an explorer and adventurer. Pata has since early age been keen on adventures and expeditions, which is a key factor to his great experience of nature, adventure, group dynamics and leadership. He is a highly respected and popular lecturer promoting conservation of the nature.

Co-founder and design and brand director of Pentagon Design. Pentagon Design specializes in strategic and multidisciplinary design. They have helped businesses and public organizations for over 20 years to develop their customer understanding and value creating brands, services, operational models, products and spaces. Their design work strives for creating positive impact and sustainable growth.

More information:

[email protected]

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