
Defense of Dissertation in Entrepreneurship, Timo Rinne, M.Sc.(Econ.)

The title of Timo Rinne's dissertation is “Strategic human resource management in small service firms”.
Kuvituskuva väitöstapahtumaan, Aalto-kynä ja tutkimuspaperi

The doctoral dissertation of Timo Rinne “Strategic human resource management in small service firms” will be publicly examined at the Aalto University School of Business on Tuesday 10 September 2019.

The public defense will be held at the School of Business, Hall U006, starting at 1 pm.

Opponent: Professor Simon Down (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Custos (Chairperson): AssistantProfessor Arne Kröger (Aalto University School of Business)

Further information: 
Timo Rinne
[email protected]
tel. +358 40 7505265

The dissertation is available at

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