
Defence of doctoral thesis in the field of Electrical Engineering and Automation, MSc Ferdi Kusumah

Title of the doctoral thesis is "A Three-Phase to Single-Phase Midpoint Matrix Converter Using a Free-wheeling Switch for an Inductive Power Transfer System"
The experimental setup of a midpoint matrix converter for inductive power transfer applications

Inductive power transfer (IPT) systems can improve the practicalities of a power delivery circuit (e.g., an electric vehicle charger). The contactless structure of IPT reduces the risk of sparking and electric shock, as well as provides good mobility for the IPT recipient during power transfer. Furthermore, the absence of moving parts on the transmitter and receiver circuits increases system reliability.

This research explores the application of a three-phase to single-phase midpoint matrix converter using a free-wheeling switch (MMCFS) in a series-none IPT application, in order to reduce system complexity, size and cost. The IPT prototype achieves an overall efficiency of around 80% based on a coupling factor of 0.53. This prototype demonstrates that MMCFS can be used as an alternative to the rectifier-inverter topology in the IPT systems.

Opponent professor Omar Hegazy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium

Custos: professorJorma Kyyrä, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

Contact details of the doctoral student: [email protected], +358 44 3620067

The defence will be organised via remote technology (Zoom). Link to the defence

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The doctoral thesis is publicly displayed 10 days before the defence in the Aaltodoc publication archive of Aalto University.

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