Defence of dissertation in the field of real estate economics, Pauliina Krigsholm, M.Sc (Tech.)
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A cadastral system records the physical location of real properties and lists real property rights, making it central to efficient land and property markets and sustainable land use. Cadastral system and registers related to it – cadastre and title and mortgage register – are vital components of the public data infrastructure in Finland. This dissertation explores the emerging issues of change in the operational environment of cadastral systems and outlines alternative future pathways for the Finnish cadastral system. The findings indicate that drivers of change present technological, social, political, economic, and environmental factors, which highlights the multi-purpose role of cadastral systems.
The dissertation further argues that the future of mature cadastral systems such as the Finnish cadastral system hardly depends on individual technologies or innovations like drones or person-to-person trust solutions. Instead, the findings of the dissertation point that more emphasis should be placed on understanding the institutional foundations of a cadastral system when the objective is to detect alternative future configurations for the system. This dissertation expands the land administration literature by introducing new perspectives and methods to study cadastral system dynamism. It also provides novel insights of future horizons of mature cadastral systems to actors of land administration domain.The title of the dissertation is "Towards a future cadastral system: An exploration of the Finnish case".
The opponent is Professor Jaap Zevenbergen from theUniversity of Twente, Netherlands.
The supervisor is Professor Kirsikka Riekkinen from the Department of Built Environment, Aalto University.
Electronic dissertation:
Doctoral candidate’s contact information:
Pauliina Krigsholm
Department of Built Environment, Otakaari 4, 02150 Espoo
tel. +358504671156
[email protected]
A doctoral dissertation is a public document and shall be available at Aalto University, School of Engineering’s notice board in Otakaari 4, Espoo at the latest 10 days prior to public defence.
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