Defence of dissertation in the field of marine technology, Pauli Lehto, M.Sc. (Tech.)
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The public examination of the doctoral dissertation of Pauli Lehto, Master of Science (Technology), will be held on 15 November at 12.00 at the Aalto University School of Engineering. The title of the dissertation is Grain interaction in local plastic deformation of welded structural steel. The field of the dissertation is marine technology.
Opponents: Professor Daniel Kiener, Montanuniversität Leoben, Department of Material Physics, Austria, and Professor Myung Hyun Kim, Pusan National University, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Republic of Korea
Supervisor: Professor Heikki Remes, Aalto University School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Electronic dissertation:
Doctoral candidate’s contact information: Pauli Lehto, tel. +358 40 7339 438, [email protected]