Defence of dissertation in the field of Indoor Environment Technology, Katja Tähtinen, M.Eng (Construction and Environmental Engineering)
Event language(s)
The title of the dissertation is "Perceived indoor environment and probality of abnormal indoor air exposure in health care workplaces" (Koettu sisäympäristö ja altistumisolosuhteet terveydenhuollon työpaikoilla)
Opponent: Professor Ulla Haverinen-Shaughnessy, University of Oulu
Custos: Professor Heidi Salonen, Aalto University School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering
Contact information of the doctoral candidate: Master of engineering (Construction and Environmental Engineering) Katja Tähtinen, [email protected]
The public defence will be organized remotely via Zoom
The dissertation is publicly displayed as online display 10 days before the defence at
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