Defence of dissertation in the field of Bioproduct Technology, M.Sc. Gerardo Gomez Millan
The title of the dissertation is Valorization of Low Concentration Sugar Side-stream from Dissolving Pulp Production
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M.Sc. Gerardo Gomez Millan will defend the dissertation "Valorization of Low Concentration Sugar Side-stream from Dissolving Pulp Production" on 16 December 2019 at 12 in Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, lecture hall L1, Vuorimiehentie 1, Espoo.
Opponent: Professor Roger Gläser, Universität Leipzig, Germany
Supervisors: Professor Herbert Sixta, Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems and Professor Jordi Llorca Piqué, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)