
Better Business — Better Society Online Seminar: "From Corporate Responsibility into Shared Values"

The Better Business — Better Society seminar series offers our collaborators, supporters and alumni opportunities to learn about and discuss current societally important topics. The seminars will be organized remotely in the spring 2021.
Picture of Esko Aho and the title of the seminar "From Corporate Responsibility into Shared Values" on green bakcground

Welcome to the Aalto University School of Business Better Business — Better Society online seminar!

Esko Aho, Executive in Residence at Aalto University School of Business, will give a talk on the topic “From Corporate Responsibility into Shared Values”. Aho, the Former Prime Minister of Finland, has an exceptional experience from politics, business and academic life. During his career, he has acted in various leadership positions in the business life, lectured in universities and acted as an advisor, board member and chairman in multiple international organizations and working committees.

The seminar is organized online and you can follow it as a live stream on the School of Business Facebook page: We will send a reminder and direct link to the stream for all registered participants 1-2 days before the seminar, and the possible presentation material afterwards. It is possible to follow the seminar also without a Facebook account and you can find instructions below on this page.

You can also watch the seminar afterwards in YouTube. Videos from all previous seminars will be linked on the website within two weeks after each seminar:

For questions, please contact: [email protected]

Follow the seminar on School of Business Facebook account:

Kuvassa kuvakaappaus Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun Facebook-sivulle ilmestyvästä ilmoituslaatikosta, jossa pyydetään kirjautumaan sisään palveluun

Instructions for following the stream without Facebook account: 

If you do not have a Facebook account and you wish to follow the stream, you will need the direct link.

  1. Register for the event through the link on the event information. The direct link to the stream will be sent all registered guests 1-2 days prior to the seminar. 
    Please note that the registration closes 1-2 days before the event so if you are reading the instructions later, please contact the organizers.
  2. To start viewing the seminar, revisit the email you have received from us and open the stream link. You should see a similar view as presented on the right. When you click below Not now, the window disappears and you can follow the stream without distraction. 

Better Business — Better Society Seminar Series

The Seminar Series discusses the current and societally important topics at the School of Business. The seminars will be arranged monthly, generally on the first Thursday of the month, excluding holiday seasons.

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Contact information

Aalto University School of Business Alumni Relations

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