
Alusta pavilion – Environmentally conscious architecture

A place for encounters between humans and non-human animals in urban space.
Alusta pavilion
How can we live together with the more-than-human community? Alusta Pavilion hosts open discussions during the summer seasons of 2022-2024 in the courtyard of the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum. Photo: Maiju Suomi
Alusta Pavilion
The clay and wood structures offer habitats for people, plants and insects. Photo: Maiju Suomi

How can we break the dichotomy between nature and culture through architecture? What kind of space unites rather than separates? How can we live together with the more-than-human community? These questions are discussed at the Alusta Pavilion.

The pavilion is built on the courtyard between the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum in Helsinki, and it is open to the public from June 2022 to 16 September 2024.

In late September 2024, Alusta will move to Otaniemi (Otakaari 1 X).

The project explores nature-culture relations and offers a place for encounters between humans and non-human animals in urban space. The pavilion functions as a platform for environmental discourse, both on the level of its form and materiality, and the different activities which take place there.

It comprises a pollinator friendly meadow and structures made with clay in its different forms; unfired and fired brick and rammed earth. Alusta is realised by a multidisciplinary group lead by Suomi/Koivisto architects.

A human-friendly, giant insect hotel emerged in the middle of the city

Alusta, built from clay and populated by plants, is a sanctuary for pollinators and a meeting place for all living things.

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Image from remote site:

Alusta offers a space for thinking about our place as part of a more than human community. The pavilion takes its form through collaboration of plants, human visitors, natural processes and passage of time. The clay and wood structures offer habitats for people, plants and insects. Fungi take part in maintaining the natural cycles and offer shelter and nutrition to insects.

In collaboration with ecologists from the University of Helsinki, the project explores increasing biodiversity in the urban environment and demonstrating the importance of soil and its microbes for the wellbeing of the ecosystem. The human visitor can participate in caring for the soil and plants and in building the pavilion.

Bee on a flower at Alusta pavilion.
Photo: Elina Koivisto

Farewell to Pollinators – Alusta pavilion moving party

10 Sept 2024
Alusta pavilion, Kasarmikatu 24, Helsinki
in Finnish

Over the course of past two years, what was initially meant to be a year-long experiment has become a beloved platform for encounters and meaningful conversations, as well as a home for plants, pollinators, birds and other non-human beings.

Come and bid farewell to pollinators and Alusta pavilion as we know it, and celebrate its moving to its new permanent home at Otaniemi campus. There's talks, art – and party!

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Past events

Alusta pavilion has hosted a series of events and open discussions during the summer seasons of 2022 and 2023. The events have brought together professionals from different fields to discuss our relationship to the environment on practical, emotional and experiental levels.

Addressing the complex environmental crisis calls for cultural change and transformation of the established values and mindsets. How can architecture contribute to renewing our connection with the living nature?

You are warmly welcome to join us to ponder our place and role in more-than-human world!

Alusta is part of architect Maiju Suomi’s practice-led doctoral research at Aalto University Department of Design. It also acts as a test laboratory for architect Elina Koivisto’s inquiry into natural materials in construction.

  • The project is realized in collaboration with Raseko earth building school and students of design and architecture in Aalto University.
  • The project is supported by Abl-Laatat, Fiskars, University of Helsinki, Hyötykasviyhdistys, Iki Carbon, Ilmarinen, Kekkilä Oy, Kääpä Biotech, Rudus Oy, Stark Suomi Oy, Suomen pintakäsittely, Uula Color Oy and Wienerberger Oy. 
  • The project is funded by the Kordelin Foundation, The Arts Promotion Centre of Finland, The Finnish Cultural Foundation and the Greta and William Lehtinen Foundation.   
Student teamwork at Aalto University. Image: Unto Raunio

Department of Architecture

We train professionals to design human-centred environments.

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Department of Design

The Department of Design is a diverse community of competent, creative and responsible individuals. In design, we appreciate technical skill, social significance and artistic expression.

Image representing the Sami culture

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Wood crystals on a black fabric.

Designs for a Cooler Planet

Visit Designs for a Cooler Planet festival in Otaniemi on 6 Sep – 3 Oct 2024 to challenge your perception of the possible.

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